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Home: Quiz List: FlameDragon12's "Warriors" Quizzes

"Warriors" is one of my favorite book series, and I've made a bunch of quizzes on it--how well can you do?

List created by player FlameDragon12.

This list has been completed and claimed by 30 players.

The most recent players to claim this list: bmrsnr (Nov 01 23)   Andyboy2021 (Sep 14 23)   twlmy (Jun 17 23)   griller (Apr 29 23)   sadwings (Oct 25 22)   Rumpo (Oct 07 22)   DeepHistory (Jun 28 22)   andymuenz (May 31 22)   sw11 (Mar 06 22)   mandy2 (Nov 11 21)   rainbowriver (Oct 07 21)   gogetem (Aug 28 21)   comark2000 (Aug 09 21)   lpbuf (May 09 21)   paper_aero (Mar 16 21)   
  All About...Whitestorm!    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
My favorite character is Whitestorm! This is my first quiz, and it's all about Whitestorm from "Warriors" by Erin Hunter. All books up to "Tigerheart's Shadow" are used. Have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, FlameDragon12, Oct 23 17
225 plays
  "Warriors": A to Z    
Multiple Choice
 25 Qns
Okay, so this is my second quiz about "Warriors"--and my second quiz overall. I'm a superfan of the "Warriors" series. SPOILERS for all books up to "Darkest Night". Without further ado, let's get started!
Average, 25 Qns, FlameDragon12, Nov 28 17
195 plays
  "Warriors": Name Matchers    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Match the first part of the warrior name with the last. We are using the WARRIOR NAME. DO NOT worry about there being more than one answer, and have fun!
Average, 10 Qns, FlameDragon12, Dec 17 17
Recommended for grades: 8,9,10,11,12
208 plays
  "Warriors: Darkest Night!"    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Loving "Warriors", I always have to stay up-to-date on the newest books. As of the time of writing, "Darkest Night" came out quite recently. Here's a quick quiz about it!
Average, 10 Qns, FlameDragon12, Dec 22 17
199 plays
  "Warriors": The Wrong Cat    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
In "Warriors", there have been a lot of suspects for different things. Match the cat to what other cats THOUGHT about them.
Tough, 10 Qns, FlameDragon12, Mar 17 19
Recommended for grades: 8,9,10,11,12
Mar 17 19
220 plays

cool = highest rated quizzes new = added recently = has extra info for each qn
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