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Subject: Headbanger's Ball Revisited

Posted by: sadwings
Date: Aug 27 19

Anybody remember Headbanger's Ball on MTV in the 80s and 90s? This is the place to be if you like that kind of noisy stuff. Thought I'd throw a bunch of boss-rocking videos from that era, and I'm sure many from outside that era, and please do feel free to contribute. If it isn't exactly classified as metal or if you aren't really sure, don't worry about it. As long as it rocks a little bit on the harder side. Anything with bands performing on stage or anywhere else along with out of control fans stage diving and crowd surfing is great, but this is certainly not intended to be limited to that. Just grab a fistful of metal and see if you can punch my lights out with it. :-)

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sadwings star

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You aren't intruding in any way, Wolf, glad to have you here by all means, bro.

Yeah, I was just clowning about never hearing of Pantera. Hee hee! I feed on stuff like that like Godzilla strolling through a power plant on Hell Day. I've got 4 of theirs - Cowboys and Vulgar Display, which I really like a lot, and then Far Beyond Driven and Trendkill, which I'm not all that gung-ho about. Pretty weird, huh? I have a cousin who went to high school down in Texas with Dimebag and Vinnie. I know I joke around all the time but that's really for real. I've got Cowboys from Hell on this thread somewhere. This thing is loaded with killer stuff, yo.

If you like getting slammed like that, check this next number out. I've already played several from these guys but this one may quite possibly be the deadliest tune these cats ever did. This one is like getting slammed by a runaway freight train packin' demonic blitzkrieg, brother. You might think it's all a big joke at first, but you'll be ridin' the bullet train, believe me, and hey, what a coincidence that just dawned on me - one of the guitarists happens to be named Wolf. Dude is seriously bad, yo. All aboard! :-)

Reply #181. Dec 28 19, 2:39 AM
sadwings star

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Explosive, cutthroat heavy metal in all of our faces! :-) This next tune is from the singer of that last band after he went solo, and this one even has a cool video with it...

Reply #182. Dec 28 19, 2:57 AM
Cool, that's what I thought. But you can never tell. :-)

Yep, Pantera rock out pretty hard. Cool about your cousin going to school with Vinnie and Dimebag.

Haven't heard much Accept other than "Balls to the Wall" and I'll check out your other one when I get time.

Have to go to the hospital right now. What I thought was an allergic reaction starting last Saturday that would clear up in a few days, has now spread from head to toe. My face and ears especially are swollen and feel like they're on fire.

In the meantime enjoy this one from Voivoid. Watch out for the strobe lights though.

"Astronomy Domminie"

Reply #183. Dec 28 19, 9:44 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Whatever that was that caused you to have to go to the hospital doesn't sound like much fun. Hope they are able to get you fixed up soon.

I have heard of Voivod many years ago but have never heard any of their stuff. That last tune was okay.

In my opinion, Balls to the Wall is pretty lame compared to tons of Accept's other songs, but lots of people think it's really monster bad for some reason. I don't know how that band has managed to fly so low under the radar all these years, but they have never really been hugely popular for some reason. I discovered them in '82 and even I am not familiar with a lot of their stuff. From the albums I have heard, I really love Restless and Wild, Russian Roulette and Blind Rage. Lots of firepower in all 3 of those.

Anyway, here is another boss-rocker from Accept. Wolf is the bald guy.

Reply #184. Dec 28 19, 10:21 PM
Yep, it's no fun at all. They gave me a shot this time and I could tell it helped some. Also found out the probable cause which was an off-brand fabric softener that my friend's wife gave me.

I told her that I didn't know what I did, but you didn't have to try and kill me over the holidays. She knows that I was joking but she still feels bad about it.

Now back to some information involving more rocking, raving and headbanging...

My first ever real concert was Iron Maiden in 1989 during their "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son" tour. Giant Eddie on stage with his eyes glowing. Guns n' Roses were supposed to open, but Axel threw a fit before hand and canceled. Typical Axl.

I did finally get to see G n' R in St. Louis...for about half of a set. Some guy tried to take Axl's picture and all "heck" broke loose. Axl lost it, threw the mike down jumped straight off the stage to fight that guy. Next thing I know a full scale riot is going on. The crowd rushed the stage and started stealing anything they could get their hands on.

The night ended with the cops bringing out the fire hoses and blasting everybody.

There is actually a wikipedia page about it if you want to check it out.

Rock and Roll!

Reply #185. Dec 28 19, 11:05 PM
Wow! That Wolf guy really shreds on that Flying V.

I liked that one, thanks.

Reply #186. Dec 28 19, 11:08 PM
Almost forgot.

This video really was in heavy rotation on Headbangers Ball. I remember watching over and over on there.

"Can I play with Madness?"

Can I play with madness? The prophet looked and he laughed at me, ha, he said
Can I play with madness? He said, "you're blind, too blind to see"
Oh, said, "you're too blind to see"

Reply #187. Dec 28 19, 11:16 PM
sadwings star

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Wow, that's pretty wild and crazy about the G N R incident. I've never experienced anything like that before.

Yeah, they really did play that Maiden tune on the Ball quite a bit, now that you mention it. My fave from 7th Son is easily Moonchild. I think it's one of the monster baddest tunes those swinging cats ever did. But as for my fave Maiden album, gotta be Somewhere in Time. Every song on it is awesome.

So you are digging Accept, ay? Righteous! They know how to deliver a beatdown for sure. Here's another one from the same album that last one was from....

Reply #188. Dec 29 19, 2:24 AM
sadwings star

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Yo, Wolf, check this out, dawg. Something has just occurred to me. You know the "Are you talkin' to me?" lines that Phil says in that song Walk, well, Phil didn't come up with that line himself, he was very heavily influenced on that one particular line by Prince. I'm talking about Purple Rain Prince, yeah. Got videotaped evidence of it right here, yo. If you are pressed for time, just FF to 2:15 and you'll see for yourself that I'm not kidding around....

Reply #189. Dec 29 19, 3:19 AM
Somewhere in Time and Number of the Beast are my favorites from Maiden. Will check out your other videos when I'm slightly more coherent.

Yes, I've been liking the Accept videos, even though the "Power" sub genre of Metal is not really my thing. I'm more into the thrash or progressive styles.

Something like this -

Sweating Bullets - Megadeth

Reply #190. Dec 29 19, 7:15 AM
Also, I call Maiden my first "real" concert because the only one I recall going to before was seeing Loretta Lynn with Boxcar Willie opening up for her at our local County Fair.

Remember Boxcar Willie? :-)

Loretta was at her peak though and sounded great. This must have been in the early to mid 80s.

Reply #191. Dec 29 19, 7:56 AM
sadwings star

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You know, I honestly don't know enough about metal to say what bands are under what category. Some of them, yeah, but probably a really small percentage. I have heard of power metal but I honestly never knew that included Accept.

It's funny, I have been digging metal since before there was any other category of heavy metal besides just heavy metal. There was no thrash, no speed, no death metal or black metal, just plain ol' heavy metal. Seriously speaking, Wolf, in case you may not be aware of it, would you be interested in listening to the album that sparked thrash and speed metal? This is no joke at all, but the fact is, all of that was spawned from one album - Stained Class by Judas Priest. This album was released in '78 and there was no such thing as thrash or speed or any of these other classes of metal on record label until '80. That is the year metal just exploded into all these different categories with thrash and speed leading the way. Listen to that thing really carefully and compare it to anything on the face of the earth that had been released up to that time and I'm sure you'll see the light. I call it the "Seed of Speed." :-p

Yeah, Sweating Bullets, man! I've got that one. What a character that Dave Federal Narcotics Officer Mustaine guy is. Woops, I guess his full title is Dave Not Even Close to Overdose Federal Narcotics Officer Mustaine. I just love that song Victory. Can't play it because of potty mouth Dave or I already would have by now. Same thing goes for a number of Suicidal Tendencies tunes I would love to play but would probably get a spanking because of potty mouth Mike. If you have never seen it, you should check out the Suicidal video to You Can't Bring Me Down and think about how much fun it would be to throw hands with Mike. I bet that guy probably couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. :-p

Speaking of brutal metal warlords - yeah, I remember Boxcar Willie. Dude practically single-handedly invented heavy metal, bro. No, seriously, I remember that guy from back when I was a little kid.

Anyway, talking about and playing all of this seriously hardcore metal has just about beaten me down all the way to the ground, dude. I was thinking about taking a little break from it and playing something soft and easy and gentle and soothing. Something like.....well, something maybe like this....

Reply #192. Dec 30 19, 4:30 AM
sadwings star

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"It's funny, I have been digging metal since before there was any other category of heavy metal besides just heavy metal."

I never did really finish what I was going to say about that. I meant to go on to say that as things stand now, as far as the entire spectrum of metal and everything that's out there, I really seriously dislike the vast majority of it. Mainly the death and Black and Goth and things like that. Can't relate to that stuff at all. It seems to me that it's just got no melody and no soul at all, and from what I have seen from the catalogs and the various sales outlets, unless I'm terribly misinformed, that stuff seems to make up like 60 or 70% of everything out there that could even be considered metal.

There are even a lot of thrash and speed metal bands that I just can't relate to at all, but on the other hand, I am pretty gonzo about bands like Suicidal and Anthrax and Metallica. I don't know what it is that makes them so different from all the stuff I don't really like, but that's how it is with me. Can't really explain it.

Reply #193. Dec 30 19, 4:47 AM
Yeah, I don't really care for quite a few speed and thrash bands or of that black or death metal. I do like some. Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Testament.

I was lucky enough to see Metallica before they really took off. It was on their "....And Justice for All" tour. They played in Springfield, Il at the Prairie Capitol Convention center. Which is not very big. My friends and I had floor seats and the opening band was The Cult. They sounded good live but as much I like the Cult...none of us were there to see them. They got heckled in the worst way by the crowd. I think they only played half of their set that night. Bottles were being thrown and everything.

Metallica didn't disappoint. They sounded exactly the same as they did on their records. The first four Metallica albums are some of the best albums period. Kill 'em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, ...And Justice for All. I saw them twice on the Black album tour too. That's how long they toured on that one. I saw them in two separate years on the same tour. Remember how some people were calling them sell outs for making the Black album and for cutting their hair off. Kind of harsh I thought. The Black album had so much better sound production. They messed up on the drum mix for those early records. The bass drum sound is so thin on those. It's hard to hear the difference between the snare, toms and bass drum. On the Black album, Bob Rock nailed the overall sound quality.

I love Suicidal Tendencies. That was a hardcore band to be getting air time on MTV back in the day. Heard them on radio every once in a while.

Also, I'm happy to report that the shot they gave me yesterday worked really well. I feel about 70% better now. Still have a few weeks until I'm back to "normal". Not that I ever really was to begin with. :-)

Party on Garth!

Reply #194. Dec 30 19, 6:05 AM
"I am pretty gonzo about bands like Suicidal and Anthrax and Metallica."

The one thing those three bands have in common is they all have killer bass players. Think about it.

Didn't Robert Trujillo play bass for Suicidal too. Before he joined Metallica?

Just looked it up. He sure did and he played bass for one my favorite bands too. Infectious Grooves. All the musicians in that band used aliases. He was listed as "Stymee" in the liner notes. The drummer is from Jane's Addiction, he's a monster on them too.

Here's some Infectious Grooves for you right this moment.....

Check out Robert's bass playing in this song. Wicked bad!

Infectious Grooves - Punk It Up

You Lie...And Yo Breath Stank

Reply #195. Dec 30 19, 9:56 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Hey, good deal on that shot they gave you, bro. Hope you get back on track soon.

Looks like we like a lot of the same stuff. Never really been insane about Slayer but they do have tunes here and there that I really like a lot. One of them is Seasons in the Abyss, which I was going to throw down on this thread eventually. I saw those guys with the Priest Beast in Seattle, and honestly it sounded like they were playing the same song over and over. I was with my wife and another couple and they all felt the same way. Maybe it could have been technical issues, I don't know, but they are definitely warlords, I'll give them that.

That Breath Stank video was a gas, man! I was gonna ask you if you had ever heard of IG but I guess you are more familiar with them than I am. I've known about them for many years but have never heard very much of their stuff. I remember that Punk it Up video from many years ago. Probably from a HB show.

Dude! It's pretty dangerous to go making fun of Pat Boone, yo. Wolf made fun of Pat Boone over on the Duel thread, you guys! Pat just happens to be one of the deadliest metal maniacs known to mankind. I mean, the guy beat the living hell out of Mike Muir, Phil Anselmo and Glen Danzig all at the same time, yo. It's a breakdown, Pat's gonna....breakdown, Pat's gonna break....ain't no you can do! Anyway, I have quite the proof of Pat's maniac credentials right here, bro. I know it's crazy, but that's how it goes. I mean, millions of people living as foes, ya know? Well, I'm thinking maybe - just maybe - it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate...

Reply #196. Dec 30 19, 3:42 PM
Was that the Big Boone doing Crazy Train?

...or the theme to the Carol Burnett Show?

I couldn't tell. :-)

Reply #197. Dec 30 19, 6:49 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
Here's another one from Pat "Give Me Metal or Give Me Death" Boone from the same out of control album. He came out with this whole album of metal cover tunes in '97 and I was totally unaware that it even existed until just last year. The guy is a total renegade outlaw, bro!

Reply #198. Dec 30 19, 9:43 PM
He's got that look in his eyes doesn't he?

Totally full on god of all things Metal. :-)

Just happened to pick up a new remastered version of Ride the Lightning for $5
at Walmart today. I had a copy but I think one of my friends "borrowed" it and never brought it back. Some friends huh?

"I creep across the land, killing first born man... I'm creeping death!"

Reply #199. Dec 30 19, 11:14 PM
sadwings star

player avatar
Man, that is really irritating when friends pull that kind of crap.

Yeah, Pat is a seriously hardcore metal warlord for sure. There's no telling how many MMA guys that dude has torn apart with his bare hands. You should check out the lineup of tunes he cranked out on that monster bad metal album he unleashed.

I've got at least a couple more tunes from Accept that I thought I'd run by ya, but I figure I'll hold off until I know for sure that you had time to check out that last one on reply #188. Me playing stuff I know that you already know is all cool, but what I really like the most is introducing people to stuff that they have never heard before that they wind up liking. That is just the coolest. In the meantime, here's the title track to my favorite Testament album, at least of the one's I've heard...

Reply #200. Dec 31 19, 3:24 AM

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