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Subject: We are many

Posted by: Jazmee27
Date: Jun 20 20

Hey. We have DID, which stands4Dissociative Identity Disorder. our system name is now the sanctuary hope system. &we have a cluster group (mostly comprising infants&toddlers--an army of them) named Legion (a small portion of the group splintered off2become Rogue Legion... these are folks stuck in destructive ways&past beliefs detrimental2the whole. some people might consider how we live our lives2b detrimental, since we dont attend therapy or take medication (there is no treatment4DID, only the symptoms of comorbid disorders).

DID used2b called MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder); that's outdated, since DID isnt a personality disorder. &we dont care4the term alters, since we see ourselves as people (some systems say parts, &that's fine&good4them; however we prefer folks or Legion.

Hikarumichi is leader of sanctuary hope system, &Osanu is leader of Legion. if we sign a name at the bottom of the post, it indicates who wrote the post. if someone wants2call attention2a specific person in this head, simply write the name of that person. otherwise, whoever fronts next will try2answer any questions yu might have, or continue whatever convo was already started, etc.

sometimes, we get passionate about things, or carried away with emotion. we'r trying2do better, since this has cost us 2friendships with fellow DID/DDNOS systems.

- Legion

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"Cleaning day" started later than expected (M is one of those people whose perpetually running behind schedule... her motto is, "I get there when I get there." Of course, she races the clock to be a bit early for doctor appointments and be on time for work... though being administrator and vice president means she has wiggle room there in certain cases... and she can also do some of her work from home).
Since it was so beautiful out, she took us out on the /Rail Trail (we had no idea it's within walking distance) in the wheelchair (we got it for distances, and it's great for rough terrain, too. Leaves kept blowing around, and had we been walking, we'd have stepped on walnuts. We asked her what we smelled out there, and she answered it was likely pine, cause there are a number of pine trees by the trail).
When we got in, we did the video visit. It was our first time doing that. M accidently pressed that she wanted an e-visit (before she clicked the video thing). Since she didn't cancel it, the thing said she'd be notified in 24 hrs... and we get charged for that.
Her nurse/receptionist (whatever she is) called later to schedule an appointment for 6 months; she had either March 29 or 31, and M told us to choose the 31st. After Millie read off the times she had, I told M and she selected 5:20.
She ordered food from A&M after the appointment wqas over. She ordered us a chicken hoagie sub (chicken tenders, mayo and lettuce... we don't like tomato or onion... and they make great bread there).

Reply #141. Sep 28 20, 6:33 PM

Good for the soul

What in the world is going on here? When people dream, it is very rarely of themselves committing heinous crimes. Does reading the papers trigger an actual memory? Or is it all “imagined”? Did you truly “forget”? Or is your innocence a sham? Is it possible it’s all real? How could that be, though? Will we ever know for sure? All we have is speculation based on one scene in a story. Was it a dream, or the crime in progress? Who can tell?

Inspired by a short story of the same name (i.e., confession is good for the soul)

Reply #142. Sep 28 20, 7:58 PM

Her Time

Family is important, however… you didn’t fail your grandmother. You did what you could, and cared for your sister through her illness. Later, you bought her a sweet treat when she could enjoy it. I’m glad your sister recovered; it’s unfortunate your grandmother did not. That is no fault of yours—it was just her time. Everyone has to face the end eventually. No need for guilt. Remaining on this plane of existence does not mean she loves you more, nor does letting go mean she ceased to love you. It’s more that she knew she could feel at peace with leaving Minh alone, knowing she would be all right.

-Inspired by a short story entitled “Coconut Pudding”

Reply #143. Sep 28 20, 8:00 PM


"His kind"

“His kind”? You seriously wanna go there, pal? Because I could just as easily say that I wouldn’t want to associate with **your** kind solely based on interactions with you. Such a pompous a**hole.

He apologized. As did his security. You decided not only to reject their apologies, but to make a big deal where there was none. And for what? She exploded your ball? You’re the one at fault for dropping it right in their path, and I have to wonder if it was deliberate. Even after he bowed out of the golf tournament, you had to continue throwing your weight around. Yours is the kind that thrives on drama. You want everyone to look at how clever you are, how… all you manage to achieve, though, is showing what an utter jackass you are. You thoroughly embarrassed the owner/manager of the establishment. Were it not for the rules—protecting scum like you—he’d be finishing his game instead of you. You deserve a place in “the hot seat” after that stunt you pulled, particularly your desire to involve the courts. Surely, you think, the law would be on your side. You’re an ignorant a**hole, and no mistake.

---Inspired by The Undead Pool

Reply #144. Sep 28 20, 8:05 PM

In a jar

Memories leave you wanting something you can’t have again. They leave you trapped and helpless. They leave you longing for what was, but you know you will never experience it again. Memories are frozen in time. They are as sad as the tears you shed for the jar that broke. Look around you instead, at the lush scenery. These are not memoriesk, but a paradise made from them. You might have scared your neighbor before, but all that is left now is gratitude—for you brought back the wonders of spring. Let this be a lesson: That seasons should not be stored away, but shared with everyone.

-inspired by a short story

Reply #145. Sep 28 20, 8:07 PM

speaking of memories...

the leaves crunching underneath the wheelchair wheels (M mentioned them too) reminded us of a scrapbook we once made with crushed leaves. We asked her tonight how young we were; she said she thinks body was in kindergarten. We knew she was little... we just have the barest memory of the sound of crinkling pages.
another memory, this one of making ceramics for her... a chick or duck, and a little girl.
She said she thought the scrapbook was in a box at our apartment, and that we'll have to look for it.
She might have those ceramics in the same box... or a different one she still has. Who knows.

Reply #146. Sep 28 20, 8:12 PM

Just talk to her

What exactly is dancing around like an idiot going to achieve? You have a mouth… and a brain for that matter. I would think it far more humiliating to dance into the trash can, then have the garbage truck guy dump you into the truck along with the trash. And all that because you’re too shy to ask a girl out? Dude—you need to stop acting like a baby and grow up. If she rejects you, she never deserved you; and you don’t iknow what will happen if you don’t ask. Wriging it down was a good idea, but handing her the letter was a bit weird. At least she understood and met you halfway. You better not break her heart, because she’s a keeper.

---Inspired by something I read

Reply #147. Sep 28 20, 8:15 PM

Man of the house

Aw, little one, yur so adorable. “Man of the house” just means you’re the oldest male who isn’t off working. Iyou don’t have to provide food for your siblings and mother, though the thought was so very sweet. How fortunate your father came home in time to show you how it was done. Such amazing parents yu’v got there, letting their 8-year-old bring in dinner.

Inspired by a short piece by the same name

Reply #148. Sep 28 20, 8:17 PM


Ava, sweetie, not everyone is a big bully who makes fun of others who are different. Mr. Gallagher cares for the students who show they enjoy learning. He’s fascinated in his subject, and is glad when others are also. He encourages those he thinks will excel at the spelling bee. Kudos for learning to let people in. Reading is great, however, friends are just as special. You and Alexa can help each other in various ways.

~~ Inspired by a short story of the same name (title character is eaf)

Reply #149. Sep 28 20, 8:19 PM

Poor Laura

Who knew a desire to protect her kids would be so dangerous? Who saw the writing on the wall? Who knew the “offer” was an elaborate ruse? Some might say she should have been more observant. I say that’s insensitifve. What is obvious to one is not obvious to everyone, and we must not judge. What you or I would have done is inconsequential, and hindsight is 20/20. The couple were bad for the children, yet they claimed it was her… and the courts, sadly, believed them. They created an impossible situation, one from which poor Laura could not have escaped. They knew love for her children would make her jump at the chance they offered. They knew just what to say to ensnare her. Do you really think you could have done better?

Inspired by TV

Reply #150. Sep 28 20, 8:21 PM


Popularity isn’t as glamorous as it seems, Kiera. Do you really want to be known as the mean girl who insults others just to keep a few friends? Does the opinion of the cool crowd really matter that much? Nobody deserves to be teas3ed for the way they dress. Maybe Claudia wasn’t “nice” to you when you first moved. Still, she’s nicer than Harper, Mia, and those other girls you call friends.

--Inspired by a children’s story entitled “The Hello Kitty Shirt” (fashion missing, etc.)

Reply #151. Sep 28 20, 8:23 PM

Seanella’s Magical House

Question: How do you know if Mouse enjoys the same foods as you? Have you ever asked her? You can’t just assume, for that’s a disservice to both of you. Same applies to temperature. The house you’re dreaming of is the ideal place for a turtle. Other creatures may not find it so great. Your friends cannot exist in the same environment as your hatchlings. Mouse, being a cat, is bound to like different things. We’re not all the same, you know—cats and turtles are different creatures inside, not just outside. In order for your friendship to last, you have to take their preferences into account., not just your own. But such an imagination your turtle mind is! How very thoughtful of you to create a doghouse for Weevle. Such lovely detail; shame your friends cannot see what you do. So much for your belief you can instantly create things in the real world for others to enjoy by just thinking about them. It’s lovely to imagine, though, and don’t stop just because no one else can see everything. What a clever dog that Weevle is—collecting obsidian for the houses. You even included Lil and the other little birds, so they all feel important.

? Inspired by a children’s tale of the same name ?

Reply #152. Sep 28 20, 8:26 PM

Seriously, Girl?

Did I read that right, Christine? "Perhaps he had done it on purpose." Seriously, girl? You think he would kidnap your husband, refuse to apologize, & have it *not be deliberate? Do you have as brain in there, Christine? Because that doesn’t even make sense. How would someone “accidentally” kidnap someone? Think also about how he “did it to teach you a lesson;” what that says to me is, this guy’s a nut job and a control freak. All of which is deliberate. Do you suppose that he is not being calculated? You think he does not realize what he is doing? By that I don’t mean,, did he realize your husband would get hypothermia. He does not care about such things. Your husband could drop dead tomorrow… and you know what? He would claim it was your fault. He does not accept responsibility for anything (though he claims he could). Everything he does is well calculated. Cold, yes, insane, no. One might assume him tying your husband to the portcullis for ten hours was insanity. They would be wrong. Thinking different from us does not make one insane; however, it does not make it right either. Nor should you take any responsibility for what he did. The choices were his. Yes, he listened to you and helped to remedy the situation (in spite of his complaints). Yet he only did that because he wants you to “sing for him” and for everything to just be what it used to be prior to your marriage. Is that fair? I hardly think so.

--Inspired by something we read

Reply #153. Sep 28 20, 8:29 PM

There are many things

I would like to say

But I cannot do it

For you would not comprehend.

I know no way to explain

All those things to you

That you find mysterious

And so I sit here

Lost in thought

Unsure of what to say.

Silence falls between us

I did not plan for that

But things just happen

That is life

And change is all around

Because nothing

Stays the same


In storybooks.

~~~Inspired by something I read

Reply #154. Sep 28 20, 8:31 PM

Spiderling Incubator

Devin, you just had to ignore the warning. Nonsense, you said, for the scarab to be cursed. You just had to touch it, caress its silky smoothness. You foolishly awoke the beasts within the diorama and even refused to believe what your eyes were telling you. And you were so intent upon the scarab having vanished that you totally forgot about the spider. Congratulations; mama has caught you. You are now the spiderlings’ home until they hatch. How does it feel to be an incubator? No matter how hard you try, you can’t move, can’t call for help… all due to your own foolishness. That’s the price of ignoring the antiquities dealer. Was the temptation worth it? Aren’t you so glad now you bought the collectors item and disobeyed the warning? I hardly think so.

-Inspired by a short story

Reply #155. Sep 28 20, 8:36 PM

Stop right there.

It was an honest mistake. You never dropped names, so you can’t honestly expect her to have known who you wanted rescued. Also, don’t you think you’re a bit hasty? You don’t know his story—nor, in fact, do you care, but you’d do well to learn to just wait patiently. You can’t just go rushing off like that when darkness is all around you.

You know not who he is. Are you not even a bit curious? That horrid woman locked you both in that dreary place; is not his fault that the companion you so desperately wanted rescued languishes elsewhere.

~ Inspired by online reading

Reply #156. Sep 28 20, 8:38 PM

Sept 25
Sudden Traveller

The cycle repeats, whether there are people to witness it or not, people who can record the stories of births and deaths. ‘Tis the working of the universe. It trundles along until the end of all existence. Who will tell the stories so they don’t flow away in the torrential rains? Who will keep those records safe from the ravages of time?

-Inspired by a short story of the same name

Reply #157. Sep 28 20, 8:39 PM

Sept 25 again
The cave

Scene of hhorror:
Close your eyes
And do not scream.

They come for you
Since you have followed
The one who led you
To this cave.

| the varied legions

Reply #158. Sep 28 20, 8:41 PM

another from sept 25
The Cedar Bracelet

What a beautiful story to tell your cousin, and such a beautiful gift you gave her. She’ll treasure the words always. Great message: change isn’t the end of the world, but rather a new chapter in our lives that teaches us what we need to know to survive. Such a thoughtful gift to resemble your friendwship, and to bind you together.

-Inspired by a children’s story of the same name.

Reply #159. Sep 28 20, 8:42 PM

again, sept 25
The Missing Hair

What a silly little man you are, Olivier! Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you? And who counts their hairs anyway? Why would you want to waste your time on such frivolous pursuits? “Detective DaVinci” is clearly a fraud and a crook. He’s no more a detective than you are! If there is a hair thief, he’s likely the one stealing your hairs… though why hair is that important as to steal is a mystery to me.

You didn’t just think the “detective” fell out a window; he did fall. Your “evidence” is the magnifying glass he always clutched to him… I suppose he thought it made him look genuine. I cannot guess why “Detective Daft” stole your hair in the first place, unless he counted on you going to him to find it.

~~ Inspired by a children’s story

Reply #160. Sep 28 20, 8:44 PM

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