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Subject: We are many

Posted by: Jazmee27
Date: Jun 20 20

Hey. We have DID, which stands4Dissociative Identity Disorder. our system name is now the sanctuary hope system. &we have a cluster group (mostly comprising infants&toddlers--an army of them) named Legion (a small portion of the group splintered off2become Rogue Legion... these are folks stuck in destructive ways&past beliefs detrimental2the whole. some people might consider how we live our lives2b detrimental, since we dont attend therapy or take medication (there is no treatment4DID, only the symptoms of comorbid disorders).

DID used2b called MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder); that's outdated, since DID isnt a personality disorder. &we dont care4the term alters, since we see ourselves as people (some systems say parts, &that's fine&good4them; however we prefer folks or Legion.

Hikarumichi is leader of sanctuary hope system, &Osanu is leader of Legion. if we sign a name at the bottom of the post, it indicates who wrote the post. if someone wants2call attention2a specific person in this head, simply write the name of that person. otherwise, whoever fronts next will try2answer any questions yu might have, or continue whatever convo was already started, etc.

sometimes, we get passionate about things, or carried away with emotion. we'r trying2do better, since this has cost us 2friendships with fellow DID/DDNOS systems.

- Legion

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Covid-19 in Pennsylvania:

839 new cases today; 630 yesterday

there place on FB where we get latest numbers

US new cases yesterday was 55,902

Reply #81. Jul 27 20, 10:06 AM

inspection tomorrow

Reply #82. Jul 27 20, 5:56 PM

bathroom sink&refrigerator need maintenance attention

&Minnrebecca 's still sick (did notwork today, or I should say yesterday)

we rescheduled our dentist appointment; it should have been tomorrow (Thursday); now we go in November

Reply #83. Jul 29 20, 3:03 AM

o... &we found this web site with wacky&weird holidays

check out holiday insight

Reply #84. Jul 29 20, 3:05 AM


when did we win a triathalon?


found the note about our new mini badge in our inbox.


if we win challenges, they're often by accident (not that we arent competitive, it's just that when we try4badges we never win them).

Reply #85. Jul 29 20, 10:33 PM

Minrebecca not workyn tomoro again cos she hav sinus infection

they do it all over phone now the doctors... unles you absolutely *must* b seen

Reply #86. Jul 30 20, 9:53 PM

had2wait this mornin4Marian2call us back before we could order the grocery portion. deli kitchen order called in yesterday; lady named Cheree takes those orders.

talkyn2them make us feel safe (Cheree more so, however Marian coz she someone familiar with us2some extent).

that said, it gets exhaustin maskyn who we r&pretendyn2b body.

we aren 't1person&we aren 't personalities. DID was renamed DID4that very reason; it's an identity disorder, not a personality disorder.

somev systems use the analogy of a broken bowl2explain this. there r shards&fragments of the broken bowl (think of glass in particular, though even plastic does this). no one shard is the original (we'r talking bowls that shatter, not ones that crack).

in the structural theory of dissociation, cores don't develop in DID becus DID develops prior2age9 (this is also why you have a continuum, or part of why)

we split as babies (it's why we have at least2infants: Oheo is weeks old, while Gavril is days old... &does not like2b rocked).

Reply #87. Aug 04 20, 4:55 PM

terraorca star

player avatar
Just curious, who plays your Duels?

Reply #88. Aug 06 20, 10:16 PM
thanks 4 stopping by terraorca

whoever is out & wants2plays the games we can actually play (the Funtrivia Dual actually isnt1... so if we play expert or whatever, its just the regular hourly game--duals require a mouse or something... idk how2explain that)

which is even more surprising if we win something like triathalon (we dont even try2earn mini badges like that)

half or more of the badges we have we won by accident (now, anyhow)

Hikarumichi & several others really enjoy the games since it helps ground whoever is front

distractions like that are crucial

whoa... nobody was in yesterday? no wonder there was no mention of the new readyn material we got...

includes the following short stories:

*the first hard rain* by Sophie Wellston (ironic since it stormed tonight, &I think tomorrow mornyn it will2)

*we are methodists* by Alison Macleod

*Sophia* by B. J. Novak

'& today we finished the National Geographic back issue about Earth Day 2070 & what that might look like

Reply #89. Aug 07 20, 7:29 PM

Thanados playin today

provides distraction from what goyn on innerworld

Reply #90. Aug 11 20, 8:42 PM

slept most of day. not feel good. had air conditioning off too long last night (I think).

in long sleeves now (not a sweatshirt) so not tempted2turn off AC or open windows (both would b a mistake when feeling like this).

maintenance finally came up2deal with the clog in bathroom sink. told him2look at kitchen sink2. he tells me theyr both good now.

Reply #91. Aug 14 20, 5:13 PM

life is crazy

got groceries delivered today

annual recertification today.

we gonna do team search (meaning, we have several options saved to web favorites. we gonna look at them again, & see if we can agree on one--we left the team we were on due to discontent from most system members... when we had joined Devious Demons, we did all feel like we were home. time for a change, I suppose.

how is everyone?

Reply #92. Sep 02 20, 10:55 PM

terraorca star

player avatar
Healthwise, we are fine here.
I am not a fan of the two types of Remote Learning that we currently have, I would much rather be face to face in a classroom, but these are the times we live in.

Reply #93. Sep 05 20, 5:27 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar
I'm sort of almost better. Quentin (one of my cats) and I were both very sick on Sunday and Monday. I don't know why. I threw out all the dry cat food in dishes (four dishes, three flavors) and scrubbed all the water bowls, cups, and glasses, they (I have two cats) like to drink out of, eight in all. Princess, my other cat threw up on Sunday too. But she does that when she samples her food and decides she doesn't like what I've served her so I don't know if she was sick or being fussy again.

I started bleaching down the house on Tuesday. Yes, I mixed it appropriately with water. Unfortunately, I'm almost out of Lysol spray. I've been out of Lysol & Clorox wipes for months. No store near where I live has had any of that for sale for months. Any available goes straight to hospitals and medical offices first. I've been using a newish organic, anti bacterial fungicide for about six weeks. It's the only thing available in every store around here. It's also an herbicide so I suppose I could use it for a weed killer if I wanted to.

Wednesday evening Princess, Quentin, and I dined on plain chicken broth with pasta. There were no spices or even salt in it. I did cook it with some carrots because all three of us like mushed carrots. It was the first food I'd eaten since Sunday. I had to cancel two doctor appointments for early in the week. One was converted to a phone appointment and the other is today, Thursday late in the afternoon.

What else? My fall allergies have arrived and the pollen and dried dust of dying plants has taken up residence in my left sinuses. My anchor pair of breeding cardinals did not disappoint this year :D. I now have a new young pair of cardinals at the bird feeders. Does six to eight blue jays at the bird feeders at once constitute a flock? How about a mini flock of blue jays? They are a beautiful, bright color in the early morning! The blue have a pretty morning song too. I hadn't seen them for a few years, but my pair of woodpeckers have been back this week several times. All these plus the regular birds.

Reply #94. Sep 17 20, 2:51 AM
Sorry... time slipping away from us. BTW... just in case anyone was curious, my name's Zarvon; I'm the newest addition to the Sanctuary Hope System. Not all of us are human; I, for insttance, am an elf (we call the elf faction the Enclave). Seems we only feel like it's been a while... ugh, time just loves playing around.

Glad you healthy, terraorca. Remote learning sounds frustrating. Are there any benefits (apart from not having to leave the house)?

Glad you're feeling better, MiraJane. Sick cats/fussy cats sounds scary. How are you supposed to know the difference? The body's uncle has two cats. His birthday is in a few days, and his sister set up an FB message chat thing to send him cards. Yikes, MiraJane! Fortunately, we have chlorox wipes and these other wipes (like baby wipes--those our insurance pays for and sends to us... no idea where that stuff comes from). When we order food from the store, there are certain things they don't have cause they're sold out.
Well, no salt is healthier than salt (we aren't "salt people" really, anyhow, preferring pepper... if available, but we can eat without since we do it all the time unless the food we eat has spices in when cooked originally... same with the salt).
We have a doctor appointment coming up next Monday. We requested video visit cause the thought of going into the office makes us ill. Have another appointment coming up, but it's in November.
The allergies are absolutely horrible right now. Kept sneezing on and off yesterday. Felt like they got worse with the cooler weather (nights are in the upper 30s; day temps go back up in the 50s to 70s). Awwwwwwwwwwwww :-) about the cardinals. I hear blue jays can be nasty. We love the color blue. Tobi Parakeet is blue :-) That's quite a few blue jays :-)

We're ordering groceries this week (Monday and Tuesday for a Wednesday delivery), then Thursday the cleaning woman comes.

Reply #95. Sep 21 20, 7:55 AM

terraorca star

player avatar
Blue is my favorite color. I love to swim in the ocean, that is my idea of freedom.
What makes you happiest?

Reply #96. Sep 21 20, 11:46 PM
Tobi Bird... was just telling M on the phone this evening that a day spent with Tobi Parakeet is a good day. It helps that daytime temps are up (today was around 70). We don't care for thesse lows in the 40s or 30s. Not a fan of it being dark so early either... however, we take what we can get.
~ Zarvon (they told us in the headspace we will be fronting for a while. This confusing, is singular "we," since we use they/them pronouns. We were told we have what it takes to lead our system through a difficult period, and to see the positive... and so it is. Blessed be).

Reply #97. Sep 22 20, 7:55 PM

BTW... joined a new team tonight.

Reply #98. Sep 22 20, 7:56 PM

Away to safety

come here, and walk beside me. let your hand rest on my shoulder. I am real. You are real. This is real. Let us find a quiet place, a safe place, somewhere away from this madness that caused you so much suffering. Rest, dear sir, let me care for you. Fear not, I am not going anywhere. I shall sit beside you at night, chase away the nightmares, kiss away your tears. I shall raise you back to life, nourish you like the most fragile of blossoms. Weep for the past, which is behind you now. Reach for this present moment, and squeeze my hand. Let us go, while the light is yet good.

-Inspired by A Tale of Two Cities, Part 1 chapter 6

Reply #99. Sep 23 20, 10:00 AM

This one's from August:
Crickets chirp outside my window,
Telling time or chatting;
I should be asleep:
Instead I'm staring at the wall.

Oh, memory, memory, leave me be,
Just for a little while;
Let my body rest a bit
Beneath clean sheets and open window:
Tomorrow comes too soon,
And there is much to do.

Reply #100. Sep 23 20, 10:03 AM

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