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Which state in the United States is the furthest east and which is the furthest west?

Question #59844. Asked by DerekT.
Last updated May 16 2021.

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Barrow boy
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Barrow boy
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Answer has 5 votes.
Logically, the easternmost state is Maine and the westernmost is Alaska (Aleutian Islands). But the Aleutian Islands stretch so far west that they cross the International Date Line and are situated in the 'Eastern Hemisphere' so should be classed as the easternmost part of the USA.


Jul 03 2002, 8:18 PM
Senior Moments
Answer has 9 votes
Senior Moments

Answer has 9 votes.
Alaska has the honour of being the most western, most eastern and most northern state of the USA.


Response last updated by gtho4 on May 16 2021.
Jul 03 2002, 9:00 PM
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TabbyTom avatar

Answer has 3 votes.
Alaska (somewhere in the Aleutian islands), assuming that 'furthest west' means as far west as you can go from Greenwich without crossing the 180-degree meridian.

Feb 13 2003, 10:25 PM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
More info:
Alaska, the most northern, western and eastern U.S. State, link

Response last updated by satguru on Nov 29 2016.
Feb 13 2003, 10:44 PM
Answer has 2 votes

Answer has 2 votes.
Agreed the most westernmpoint is Cape Wrangell, Atteu Island, Aleutions, Alaska

Feb 14 2003, 12:15 AM
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Answer has 3 votes.
Alaska is the furthest state west, but it IS NOT BY ANY MEANS OR CIRCUMSTANCES THEREOF, the easternmost state. Attu Island fails to answer this correctly on two very valid points. First of all, ALL of Attu Island is located west of the International Date Line. Secondly, you could not stand on Attu Island anyway, as it is currently protected by law by the Coast Guard. Furthermore, although Cape Wrangell DOES cross the International Date line, it is a CAPE, not a piece of LAND.

Feb 14 2003, 1:25 PM
Answer has 4 votes
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Answer has 4 votes.
The International Date Line doesn't determine East or West - it determines dates. You can be east of the date line and still be at 179 degrees east. Therefore, the most easterly point of the USA is in Alaska and not Maine.

Feb 15 2003, 10:41 AM
Answer has 6 votes
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Answer has 6 votes.
Contiguous or non-contiguous, Maine is still the eastern extreme of the U.S.A.

Oct 08 2005, 5:43 AM
Answer has 8 votes

Answer has 8 votes.
Easternmost point — Semisopochnoi Island, Alaska

Easternmost town — Amchitka U.S. Navy Base, Alaska.

Oct 08 2005, 5:59 AM
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Answer has 4 votes.
This is makes for a good "trick" question because not only is Alaska the Eastern most state it is also the Western most state.

Oct 08 2005, 4:23 PM
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Answer has 5 votes.
To be entirely fair, the international dateline runs west of Alaska, in the Bering Straits. All of Alaska and the Aleutian islands are on the Alaska timezone, which is 6 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. Very technically speaking, Maine is still the eastern extreme of the US. The Aleutian Islands the western extreme.

Oct 08 2005, 4:38 PM
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Answer has 5 votes.
Alaska technically is outside the IDL, courtesy of the Aleutians. But as the IDL avoids it, I guess the bigger question is what, exactly, defines where east meets west, the IDL or the 180th meridian.


Response last updated by gtho4 on Oct 12 2016.
Oct 08 2005, 7:36 PM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
The easternmost/westernmost points of the U.S. throughout the world are disputed. What is most eastern or western depends on one's point of view about what east and west really mean.

By cartographical convention, the Prime Meridian running through Greenwich, England is the least eastern and least western place in the world. It is defined as 0 degrees longitude. The 180th Meridian, on the opposite side of the globe represents the absolute limit of how far east or west one can travel, from a cartographical perspective. Anything exactly on the 180th meridian is neither east nor west; but take a single step to either side and one is at 179+ degrees east or 179+ degrees west, the highest achievable numbers. By this mode of reckoning, the most eastern and western spots in the US are both in the Aluetian Islands, Alaska.

If one takes the view that the easternmost place is where the day first begins, and the westernmost is where the day last ends, then the International Date Line is the defining limit for what is most eastern or western. In a new year, the earliest US sunrise takes place on Wake Island. Less than an hour earlier, the sun also rose over Attu Island, Alaska but for December 31.


There is debate on this question but as the above Wikipedia quote shows Alaska would be more appropriately considered more eastern than Maine.

Oct 08 2005, 11:31 PM
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Answer has 1 vote.
That's not entirely true. It will be January 1st in Maine some four hours before it is in Anchorage or the Aleutians, and five hours before Hawaii. (The reason Alaska takes up one time zone is because it is so far north that the length of the day cannot be effectively measured by the amount of sunlight it gets.)

For the purpose of avoiding problems with the 180th longitude, I will define the point from which we measure east and west in the US at the center of the US longitude, the nearest city to which is Billings, Montana. Which puts the eastern most edge of the US at Sail Rock, Maine. The western most spot is an unnamed, unmarked island in the Aleutians. The latter will be only slightly farther west than the former is east if one is standing in Billings, Montana.

Oct 09 2005, 1:11 AM
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Answer has 2 votes.
Alaska is the northernmost, westernmost, and easternmost state in the U.S. It is easternmost because the Aluetian Islands extend past the 180 degree line of longtitude, putting them in the Eastern hemisphere.

Apr 30 2006, 9:52 AM
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Answer has 1 vote.
But the International Date Line extends beyond the Aleutians. Hence, Maine is still easternmost.

Apr 30 2006, 1:59 PM
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Answer has 3 votes.
Well, Attu Island is either the westernmost or easternmost or both! It's the furtherst you can go in a westerly direction, but because it's across the 180 degree line, it's technically in the other hemisphere and so the easternmost part of the USA. Cape Wrangel is the furthest end of the island. As to northernmost, Cape Barrow just north of Barrow wins.

Jan 27 2007, 8:19 AM
Answer has 17 votes
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Answer has 17 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Northernmost point — Point Barrow, Alaska (71°23'N)
Southernmost point — Ka Lae, Hawaii (18°55'N)
Easternmost point — Sail Rock, just offshore of West Quoddy Head, Maine (66°57'W)[or Aleutian Islands, Alaska](179°40'E)
Westernmost point — Peaked Island, offshore from Cape Wrangell, Attu Island, Alaska (172°26'E)
Highest elevation point — Mount McKinley, Alaska (20,320 feet)
Most remote point — Ipnavik River, National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska, (68°45'N, 156°41'W) -- 120 miles from nearest habitation

Jan 27 2007, 8:27 AM
zbeckabee star
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zbeckabee star
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Answer has 3 votes.

Northernmost point — Point Barrow, Alaska (71°23'N)

Westernmost point — Peaked Island, offshore from Cape Wrangell, Attu Island, Alaska (172°26'E)

Easternmost point — Sail Rock, just offshore of West Quoddy Head, Maine (66°57'W)[or Aleutian Islands, Alaska](179°40'E)


Jan 27 2007, 9:58 AM
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Answer has 2 votes.
OK, this is the kind of nit-picking trivia we joined this site for! Yay!

Any map of the USA will show Quoddy Head furthest to the RIGHT. But, by measure of longitude relative to the international dateline, Navy Town, AK, on Attu Island, is at 173.1756 EAST, beating out Quoddy Head by a walloping 106 (approx.) degrees.


Oh, yes...I live in Alaska. :-)

Jan 27 2007, 1:25 PM
zbeckabee star
Answer has 4 votes
zbeckabee star
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Answer has 4 votes.
"If measured from the prime meridian in Greenwich, England, Cape Wrangell, Attu Island, Alaska, would be the easternmost point."


Jan 27 2007, 9:04 PM
Answer has 8 votes
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Answer has 8 votes.
Start here: Western Hemisphere
that half of the earth traversed in passing westward from the prime meridian to 180° longitude.

Next: International Date Line
The line of longitude located at 180 degrees East or West (with a few local deviations) where the date changes by a day. West of the line it is one day later than east of the line.

The 180th meridian divides "East" from "West" on the globe. It's entirely geographical/mathematical. The international dateline is a sensible contrivance to take into account political boundaries that are astride that meridian. It's convenient that it largely runs through the bounding main. The fact that Attu's longitude is 173.237500� East proves it's "east," as far as being in the eastern hemisphere is concerned. Naturally it lies west of the rest of the USA. So does Asia.

Just for the record, Alaska has two time zones: Alaskan and Hawaiian-Aleutian.

Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 30 2020.
Dec 28 2008, 10:15 AM
themonarch star
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themonarch star
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Answer has 5 votes.
Yes the most eastern point of the United States is called Pochnoi Point on Semisopochnoi Island in Alaska.


Jan 17 2009, 11:10 AM
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Answer has 3 votes.
At 179°37' East, Semisopochnoi Island in Alaska is arguably the easternmost location in the United States and North America, as it sits only 23 minutes west of the 180th meridian, and therefore in the Eastern Hemisphere.


Jan 17 2009, 11:13 AM
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