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Could someone tell me the names of the regions of hell, please?

Question #92138. Asked by Timdpr.
Last updated May 13 2021.

zbeckabee star
Answer has 5 votes
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zbeckabee star
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11752 replies avatar

Answer has 5 votes.

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That's probably a wide open quesion. There are many beliefs that encompass many hells and many levels.

I'll start with Dante's Inferno -- Here are his nine circles:

Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Avarice, Wrath, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, and Treachery.


Response last updated by Terry on May 13 2021.
Feb 09 2008, 9:41 AM
highfells star
Answer has 4 votes
highfells star
18 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.
Which faith are you referring to, as different faiths will have different names. Wikipedia gives a list of the concepts of "hell" for different faiths.


Personally, one of the regions in my Hell would be called "IKEA" ;-))

Feb 09 2008, 10:07 AM
Answer has 4 votes
22 year member
2834 replies

Answer has 4 votes.
Jahennam should be checked out, although I am not sure if it has any "regions".

And, of course, Gehenna.
It might be the same place as Jahennam and it might not, but the name stems from the same source.

Naraka is the name of the "place of torment" for the Buddhists and the Hindus.

As a Norseman I risk going to Hel, "the place where evil men go upon death".

Since you ask for "regions", you must think of Dante's Inferno.

This has already been answered, but if you want a guided tour in the 9 levels of hell, this is a place to start.

Personally, I didn't know what "gluttony" was, here is some explanation.

* Praepropere - eating too soon
* Laute - eating too expensively
* Nimis - eating too much
* Ardenter - eating too eagerly
* Studiose - eating too daintily

And then, finally: Maybe someone can tell me why "eating too daintily" is a sin that belongs in hell. I thought the opposite was the case.

Feb 09 2008, 11:59 AM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
Wow - thanks for the comprehensive answers! I was probably being too general, but I wasn't really asking for a specific 'Hell'. I was actually asking for the NAMES of any regions that aren't called '--- Circle', the name of the sin etc. But so what if I didn't get the answer I was looking for? I've had great fun looking around all these links!!!

Feb 17 2008, 1:26 AM
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