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Subject: A tribute to Advice For Bachelors

Posted by: lesley153
Date: Apr 24 12

That was the funniest thread we've had all year.

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She isn't doing this because she's a woman. She's doing it because she's an ideologically hide-bound cretin.

Reply #1161. Oct 28 12, 10:55 AM

daver852 star

player avatar
Well, that might contribute to it :)

One of President Obama's slogans in this campaign cycle is "Vote Like Your Lady Parts Depended On it." I am NOT making this up! I cannot imagine a candidate believing that "Vote Like Your [possibly offensive anatomical reference deleted] Depended On it" would appeal to men.

Reply #1162. Oct 28 12, 12:44 PM

Couldn't agree more, Dave. Surely, most American men would much rather vote for another man named "Mitt".

Reply #1163. Oct 28 12, 8:28 PM
daver852 star

player avatar
Instead of a man named Barack Hussein. With you all the way on that one.

Reply #1164. Oct 28 12, 10:37 PM
_Morpheus_ star


Reply #1165. Oct 29 12, 5:57 PM
I’ve just had an email listing Top 5 Ridiculous “Just for Women” Products

- A laptop in “feminine” colours, with a flip latch so that even “users with long fingernails” can easily open the display. It also has a pearl accented power button, diamond-cut stones on the caps lock key, and gold trim on the keyboard.

- A pink Japanese car with an air conditioner that pumps out specially treated air for a woman’s skin.

- The only American beer created just for women: lightly carbonated “because women generally aren’t as fond of belching as men are.”

¬ - A chocolate bar specifically designed for women. The “little treat for you” is a mix of chocolate and wafer. It only has 165 calories and comes in three parts for snacking.

But the highlight of the list is our old friend, Bic For Her pens. Ellen Degeneres says they asked her to endorse them. She may have made that bit up.

Reply #1166. Nov 06 12, 2:52 PM

daver852 star

player avatar
How about Secret antiperspirant, "Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman." Or Viginia Slims cigarettes? Or "Little Black Dress" wines? Half the stuff in the world is made for women!

Reply #1167. Nov 06 12, 4:44 PM
And aren't they astonishingly silly and patronising and just unnecessary?

What did you think of Ellen's "endorsement"?

Reply #1168. Nov 06 12, 7:02 PM

daver852 star

player avatar
I was arguing with my sister the other night (I have several of them) on the subject of the recent election, and how it validated my contention that the single best thing that America could do to ensure its future prosperity would be to repeal the 19th Amendment, as it has been shown, time and time again, that women, in general, are incapable of rational thought and logical reasoning.

She took some issue with this easily documentable fact. So I asked her to explain why she believes it is wrong for women to have to pay higher medical insurance premiums than men, even though they go to the doctor about ten times as often, are always getting pregnant, and gulp pills like they are skittles. She said it simply was not fair. So then I asked her why men should have to pay higher life insurance premiums than women. Well, that's obvious, she said, men die sooner than women, so they are a higher risk. Quod erat demonstratum.

Reply #1169. Nov 20 12, 2:29 AM
daver852 star

player avatar
The Miss Universe Pageant is tonight. I seldom watch these things because there seems to be a rule that the best-looking broad is not allowed to win. Not surprising, since most of the judges are usually women, and men who . . . well, let's just say men who aren't that interested in women anyway.

I looked them over, and of the major English-speaking countries, only Miss Australia is much of a looker. USA, Canada, Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, not so much. Miss South Africa is the favorite to win, for reasons that escape me.

If this pageant is going to survive, they need to change the format. I'd go for scrapping the evening gown competition and replacing it with a wet t-shirt contest, and have the judging done by construction workers and sailors who have just returned from a nine-month deployment. The ratings would soar.

Reply #1170. Dec 19 12, 4:36 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
Wow daver852. I've just glanced at this blog and it puts the Marlowe debate on the Marlowe blog in a whole new perspective. Sincerely grateful you could be bothered to respond to my comments there as you consider the female mindset to be so absurd. How sad. A whole blog devoted to putting women down.

Reply #1171. Jul 26 15, 5:51 AM
13LuckyLady star

player avatar
daver - such sour grapes.

A world of women without emotion. Good idea! More playtime, less dedication to family, etc.

I've learned over the last year that those who insist women are emotional and illogical are the ones who expect to always get their way. While they treat women as insignificant, they do so as they KNOW they, themselves, are not qualified, or capable of doing anything more than barking. They reduce the women to mere objects and treat them with distain. This distain is a mirrored reflection of themselves.

Nice to know you consider me a 'broad' as I am female.

I will withhold what I consider you to be as I am a lady.

Reply #1172. Jul 26 15, 6:49 AM
Jabberwok star
'Shall I never see a bachelor of three-score again?'

All Benedick had to do was wait a while.
Shakespeare must have known that there'd be misogynists around as long as we have two or more sexes.
Keep avoiding the snares those predatory women set and you may make fourscore and seven years.

Reply #1173. Jul 26 15, 8:59 AM
daver852 star

player avatar
Putting women down? Nothing of the sort! Just recognizing them for being women. I never said women aren't as smart as men, so I don't know why you are getting your feathers ruffled.

Reply #1174. Jul 26 15, 12:32 PM
daver852 star

player avatar
Although, now that you mention it, it would probably be a valid argument in the authorship debate that Marlowe was more intelligent than Shakespeare, in that he (so far as we know) remained a bachelor his entire life, while the Stratford man married at a young age.

Reply #1175. Jul 26 15, 12:46 PM
Jabberwok star
Was Marlowe the marrying kind though?
No ruffled feathers, you sound too much like my Great Uncle Norman for that. :)

Reply #1176. Jul 26 15, 12:52 PM
Jabberwok star
When my GU Norman died, I inherited a number of his books, including 'The Bachelor Home Companion' by P. J. O'Rourke.
I found it very entertaining and went on to read a lot of his other works with equal enjoyment.
Was your defunct thread a tribute to that?

Reply #1177. Jul 26 15, 12:59 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
Not putting women down? I quote from your comment on this blog of 25 October "My belief in the utter absurdity of the female mindset has once again been vindicated".
With apologies to Shakespeare I make a little alteration to his words:
"Hath not a woman eyes? hath not a woman hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as
a man is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison
us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not

Reply #1178. Jul 26 15, 2:51 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
P.S The author of the plays that we associate with Shakespeare clearly did not have a low opinion of women so I doubt he was a long term batchelor like Marlowe.

Reply #1179. Jul 26 15, 2:58 PM
daver852 star

player avatar
"My belief in the utter absurdity of the female mindset has once again been vindicated." And so it has been. My light is still working.

As far as Shakespeare goes, it is true that he created a lot of strong and occasionally noble female characters, but for every Portia and Desdemona, there was a Lady Macbeth and a Gertrude. Some of his thoughts on marriage and the fairer sex:

"Do you not know that I am a woman? When I think, I must speak."

"What is wedlock forced but a hell, an age of discord and continual strife?"

"Hanging and wiving goes by destiny."

"Maids want nothing but husbands, and when they have them, they want everything."

"I thank God I am not a woman, to be touched with so many giddy offences as He hath generally taxed their whole sex withal."

Then there's that whole "The Taming of the Shrew" thing.

Reply #1180. Jul 26 15, 5:14 PM
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