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Subject: Where in the world?

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Mar 13 10

If money was absolutely no object, where in the world would you like to live other than your own home country? I wouldn't mind living in Provence for a while, in a villa in the hills. Or I'd find a snug little cottage in Wales within sight and sound of the sea.

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The Greek islands or Egypt.

Reply #1. Mar 13 10, 1:38 AM
The Black Forest or Bavaria in Germany or Tuscany.

Reply #2. Mar 13 10, 1:41 AM
tezza1551 star

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I'd be quite happy to live in a village in Ireland, or on an island off the coast of Scotland - or vice versa.

Reply #3. Mar 13 10, 1:53 AM
Schoonie101 star

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Don't get me wrong, I really love where I live right now and it would be hard to move anywhere else.

But if I HAD to and also had the means to do it(!), I'd move to a nice small town somewhere on the New South Wales Central Coast in Australia. Somewhere between Newcastle and Byron Bay. I can't believe it's been almost 5 years since the last time I was in Australia but I had a blast exploring that part of the coastline. I feel I barely even scratched the surface too. Absolutely stunningly beautiful scenery, not too crowded, very laid back, extremely friendly people, and great, secluded surf on top of it all.

It's funny - whenever I take a trip down there, for a while when I come back home, I feel homesick for Australia. I know, it should be the opposite but it isn't. Such a great place.

Reply #4. Mar 13 10, 2:24 AM
guitargoddess star
I could see myself being happy for a little while in Italy or Greece, like those quaint looking hilly-villages on the sea (like in the movie Mamma Mia, where they live). Not sure if I'd like that forever, and really, what I'd prefer is extensive travelling while keeping a home base here.

Reply #5. Mar 13 10, 3:21 PM
redwaldo star

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Like Tezza1551, somewhere with good views in the country, may-be in France.

Reply #6. Mar 13 10, 3:46 PM
redwaldo star

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Schoonie101,even though I live in country South Australia, I'd have to say that NSW is the most visually enticing part of Oz;( I lived in the Northern Tablelands). It's very pricey to buy on the coast; if I did I'd think about somewhere around Yamba.

For value for money, a place in country Victoria,would be 'hard to beat'.

Reply #7. Mar 13 10, 4:03 PM
Schoonie, if you love it so much, come over here to live! :)

Reply #8. Mar 13 10, 6:17 PM
NSW is a nice place, but I do love it here...

Reply #9. Mar 13 10, 6:18 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Easier said than done to get citizenship over in Australia. I'm not sure if I fulfill any of those employment niches. So... for the meantime, I'll just to plan a 3-week trip. But first, I need to get a job and build my savings back up again. And I DO want to take a surf trip to Kauai first. I haven't been to that island in over 20 years and have been dying to get back there.

However, once THAT'S all taken care of, I'll be taking a trip back to Australia. Where exactly, I have no idea. :)

I usually make my home base in Sydney and/or Wollongong as I have several friends in those two cities, then just branch out from there, playing it by ear, depending on what the swell forecast is at the time.

One of these days I would like to get to West Australia too but considering the waves around there, I need to step up my surfing quite a bit. Not that I'm not good but that area packs a lot of intensity. Putting it mildly. :)

Reply #10. Mar 13 10, 9:27 PM
I would never live anywhere other than Seattle.
However, for the sake of the quiz, definitely London.

Reply #11. Jun 23 10, 5:25 PM
Probably Venice, Florence, or the Greek islands. Maybe Tahiti or some other south seas island.

Reply #12. Jun 24 10, 10:22 PM
cydonia325 star
The Beara Peninsula in Ireland - in one of the villages that is in the Co. Cork part of the area.

Reply #13. Jun 24 10, 11:36 PM

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Felixstowe Ferry, Suffolk.......lived there briefly as a child, always loved the haunting and timeless beauty of the place.

Reply #14. Jun 25 10, 12:40 AM
blindcat78 star

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It would be in the Greece islands or in a country cottage in Italy or France.

Reply #15. Jul 09 10, 6:19 PM
skyrunner84 star
Ireland. I have always wanted to visit some of the castles there.

Reply #16. Jul 21 10, 10:58 PM
I will be going to Ireland very soon and I am so looking forward to it as have never been there. I would also love to visit Hawaii or Las Vegas.

Reply #17. Jul 23 10, 12:32 PM

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My problem is that I usually love every place I've ever visited and I always think "I'd love to live here". But when I read the topic of this thread, the first place that sprung to mind was the Greek islands - but I've not been there yet.

Reply #18. Nov 25 10, 5:14 PM
mjws1968 star

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I always wanted to retire to a nice cottage on the Gower, where I gre up (South Wales), right on the only bus route, and well within Tescos delivery range, but far from the madding crowd with deserted beaches and clifftops to walk along.

Reply #19. Nov 28 10, 10:13 AM
I would like to live in Brisbane or Melbourne in Australia.

Reply #20. Dec 01 10, 6:47 PM

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