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Subject: Why are people so obsessed with celebs?

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Feb 19 10

I'm not a big fan of gossip, so I avoid 'People'. 'Hello', and similar magazines, and TV shows like 'Entertainment Tonight'. However, judging from the threads that pop up on this board, the cult of celebrity is alive and well, and we do all sorts of speculating here about the lives of people we don't really know anything about, except that they are famous for one reason or another.

One or two of the threads on this board make some very nasty comments about people like Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie, and I'll lay dollars to doughnuts that the OP doesn't know anything about either of these women except what he or she reads in magazines, gleans from TV gossipy shows or on the internet.

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Anton star
I'd say the people who are obsessed with celebrities are those that are unsatisfied with their own lives.

Reply #1. Feb 19 10, 5:05 PM
redwaldo star

player avatar
I agree; I pay NO attention to gossip/scandal mongers.

I want to know if they can do what they claim to do well.

For example ,David Beckham used to be a good footballer but age has now caught up with him.

Reply #2. Feb 19 10, 5:14 PM
I pay some attention to celebrities; I find it instructive to know how and why they got where they are. I've even read a few biographies or autobiographies of stars, among them Vanessa Redgrave, Lucille Ball, and Julie Andrews. I'm not so interested in their personal lives as I am in what they've done professionally and in the positive influences (or not) they've made on our world.

I do think that some people put these mere mortals on pedestals, and then feel a sort of schadenfreude when they fall, as mere mortals are wont to do.

I'm referring to those in the public eye who have real gifts and accomplishments. There's another group--and I think now of Paris Hilton and the Kardashians--who are famous only for being famous. I'm not a fan of "personalities" who demand attention without giving anything--talent, maybe?--in return.

Reply #3. Feb 19 10, 5:48 PM
cazza2902 star

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I don't buy any of those magazines as I think they are a waste of money. I can, however, remember staying at my grandmothers once and she had this huge backpile of magazines which I read. It was at the height of the Sarah Ferguson and Princess Diana mania - it was a hoot reading them as each one went in and out of favour with each month's magazine! So I guess that sums up my attitude to the cult of celebrity - it is fickle and fuelled by the media to generate sales.

Reply #4. Feb 19 10, 6:03 PM
tezza1551 star

player avatar
Cazza, I'm with you. I would not waste money on any magazine that was full of "celebrity chat".
It doesn't affect my life one way or the other whether Ms Jolie and whoever she's attached to this year are splitting up, going to the moon, adopting an orphan martian or whatever.. it does not make one iota of difference whether Madonna does something outrageous or applies to become the next pope... I don't care !I'm not interested - I have enough REAL stuff to be interested in without bothering about what the celebs are up to.
Unfortunately, a few years ago, I was trying for selection for a TV quiz show, and one of the questions I had no idea of was what the name of some celeb's latest child was.. missed selection by one question !

Reply #5. Feb 19 10, 6:12 PM
hovenaut star
What a jump - from Tiger's apology to this topic.

Agree - gossip is a complete waste of time. People so 'star-crossed' might want to look at making their own days more fulfilling versus devoting time and attention on those thought to have such desirable lives.

Guess I'll be skipping tonight's TMZ broadcast again.

Reply #6. Feb 19 10, 6:20 PM
shipyardbernie star

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You can be a so called celeb by being famous for being famous or the offspring with no visible talent of a celeb and the peole that follow these morons should get a life.

Reply #7. Feb 19 10, 6:32 PM
Hand on heart; I've never bought a magazine in my life.
But you can't help being bombarded.
When my girl was little, I banned Barbie and guns.I'd put them straight in the bin when others bought these no-no's as gifts.I never let the boys play with guns and I'd get the garden hose on them when they kicked off at each other.Today she could distinguish a Barbie doll from any other type. And the boys 'know-it-all' about guns and drinking.(Don't drink myself).

My point is, if you're not obsessed or even slightly interested...the 'stuff' still gets in.

You, (the reader) don't know me, nor am I famous in the real world. But that doesn't stop those who know me talking about what I'm up to. We all do that sort of thing, communicate. Mags sadly; magnify,manipulate and distort this human trait.

All that said;remember what Fatty Arbuckle got away with,Woody Allen too...raise a child as your own and then do what?! Though not illegal...
I wouldn't be happy finding out my next door neighbour was a pervert (he'd get more than the garden hose believe me!),I would want to know if somebody famous was, so I could avoid their movies,charity cause,clothing line or whatever.
Just to be's about how you define yourself as a whole human being, your ethics, your moral compass, the personality traits you wish to develop (and emulate what you admire in others) it's not just about illegal activity. If one of my boys has 20 women on the side, plus his wife...he'll be getting more than the garden hose too and the neighbours would know!

Reply #8. Feb 19 10, 6:43 PM
I've never bought one of these magazines either, or read one in a waiting room, but it's still impossible not to be bombarded.

I know that Tiger Woods has been greedy and indiscreet, and that the press are baying for some sign of a crack in the Pitt/Jolie marriage, from links on news pages, but mostly from thread titles here. I knew and had forgotten about Woody Allen going off with his adopted daughter, but am frequently reminded by quiz questions. And I know quite a lot about EastEnders from loud trailers, even though I've never watched it.

Why people become obsessed with certain public figures, pay good money to read about every detail of their lives, not knowing or caring if it's true or fabricated to please a hungry audience, and try to copy their appearance, is a mystery. I have no idea why so many people idolise people they don't know, and ignore people they know.

Just going off to sharpen my hosepipe.

Reply #9. Feb 19 10, 7:12 PM
shipyardbernie star

player avatar
I used to make hosepipes, glad to see they are being put to good use, lol. Perhaps we could use them on celebs.

Reply #10. Feb 19 10, 8:18 PM
That seems to be the plan. Bags I get to use mine on Mel Gibson first please.

Reply #11. Feb 19 10, 9:30 PM
LOL! Celebrity Hose-Downs!

Reply #12. Feb 19 10, 10:40 PM
shipyardbernie star

player avatar
Yeeha! can I hose-down Mr & Mrs Posh Spice please.

Reply #13. Feb 20 10, 2:29 AM
reeshy star
I'm interested in some people who might be regarded as "celebrities" but for good reasons - for example, I admire them and their work, not because they are married to so-and-so or anything. I think it's absurd that people are bothered about what Cheryl Cole has for dinner for example! I mean, just because their jobs involve them being seen physically doesn't mean people should strive to BE them! :(

Reply #14. Apr 14 10, 1:15 PM
scottishrose44 star

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Just look at some of the threads on this board. Of course people are fascinated with celebs, we know which ones we've met, who we admire, what we think of their marriage break-ups or babies on the way. TV tells us what they are doing 24/7 and we lap it up. I try to avoid all the hype, but I'm not immune.

Reply #15. Apr 14 10, 2:49 PM
reeshy star
Rose, there's certainly nothing wrong with following a few celebs, but it's the mentality these days, that just because a person is a celeb, they are suddenly worth following 24/7, a picture of them picking their nose is news worthy etc! Of course, no one is immune to hearing all about it - I personally seem to know what's going with Jordan every week unfortunately! :P

Reply #16. Apr 14 10, 3:38 PM
tezza1551 star

player avatar
Who is Jordan ? And Cheryl Cole ?

Reply #17. Apr 14 10, 4:14 PM
Anton star
Jordan is a waste of a brain. lol

Reply #18. Apr 14 10, 4:23 PM
reeshy star
I'm in the UK right now which is why maybe you don't know them. Cheryl Cole is a singer in Girls Aloud who recently went solo, and is all over the magazines etc. for anything you can think of.
Jordan, I'd rather not comment on. Look up Katie Price if you really wonder O_O.

Reply #19. Apr 15 10, 8:59 AM
"O-O" I like that, lol!

Reply #20. Apr 15 10, 9:18 AM

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