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Subject: Whozit Point Distribution

Posted by: Schoonie101
Date: Feb 09 10

Perhaps there could be a way to better normalize the point distribution, especially in the Champion division. Sure, I realize the Whozit Points don't mean too much but it is kind of a kick in the butt seeing that if you score 5th in the Champion Division difficult during the day, you get a heck of a lot less points than you would if you placed, say, 10th in the Easier Divisions.

That isn't right. You shouldn't get penalized for playing in a tougher division as if it was the IRS.

Maybe split the overall Whozit point tally between the divisions? Maybe the points are worth 1 1/2 for the mid-division and doubled for the champion division? I know there are others on here who have a much better mind for statistical analysis, though, and could probably find a way to play with the numbers to make it fair the whole way across the board. :)

28 replies. On page 1 of 2 pages. 1 2
salami_swami star
You are playing in a champion division, which means it will be tougher. It is tougher to win, and tougher to get Whozits.

Too, it is based on how many play. If 100 people play, the scores will be 100 for first place, 99 for second, 98 for third, etc. But since a lot less play in the champion division, say 10 play, first place gets 100, second gets 90, third gets 80, etc. It just depends on how many people play.

Right now, I would say there shouldn't even be a champion division in the game... Nobody's won ALL the badges in the game yet. ;-) Just kidding. I like not bumping into the champions. ;-)

Reply #1. Feb 09 10, 10:53 AM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar

You play a harder division against tougher competition, you score higher, and then you get LESS points?

Who let the Democrats into power? ;-)

Reply #2. Feb 09 10, 10:57 AM
salami_swami star
Like I said, it is a tougher division.... So you score less points, making it even tougher on you. I think it is all perfectly fair in the way the points are distributed.

Reply #3. Feb 09 10, 11:06 AM
flopsymopsy star

player avatar
Well, I'm with Schoonie on this one... I don't want more points but I don't see why I should get less. If I get fifth (ha! I should be so lucky) then I've got that place against much tougher competition than people in other divisions - that's my penalty for being a smart*ss right there. Surely I shouldn't suffer the double whammy of fewer points than someone who did much worse than me?

Reply #4. Feb 09 10, 11:24 AM
salami_swami star
But you didn't necessarily do better than them. Keep in mind, those who are 10th in other divisions, but getting more points also BEAT OUT more players than you did. You may be 5th, but of 20 people, whereas they were 10th, but of 100 people. 10/100 is much better than 5/20. It is perfectly fair, the point distribution. It makes perfect sense to me.

Reply #5. Feb 09 10, 11:30 AM
salami_swami star
Check divisions 1, and 26, to see what I mean. In division 26, the player who is in 7th place has 14 Whozits if the day were to end right now. There are 7 players in that division, so 7th place puts them in last. Now look at division 1, in which 7th place has 73 Whozit points if the day were to end right now. But there are 22 players. They get more because they rightfully beat 15 players, and only lost to 6. There are 3 times as many players in division 1 than division 26, so they get more points for it.

Generally, the last players in each division will score the worst, and the numbers show in each division, last place with 7 players has 14 points, with 22 players, has only 6 points. They are distributed evenly, I think.

Reply #6. Feb 09 10, 11:35 AM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Generally speaking, though, you are going against tougher competition, are playing a tougher version of the game, and are getting less rewarded for it. Do you really think it is easier to get 5th in the champion division than 10th in the easier division?

Come to think of it, this game was screwy from the outset of the monthly badges when the people playing in the lower divisions had a chance to beat out the people in the upper division for the monthly badge despite playing a MUCH easier version. I never thought that was fair.

If you think it's even, salami, why not just scrap the divisions entirely for that game? Have it all straight up?

Reply #7. Feb 09 10, 11:44 AM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Yeah, salami, but look at the difference in difficulty between the questions.

I'd bet good money that the person finishing last in Div. 26 would take the top score (or at least top 5) in the easier division.

Reply #8. Feb 09 10, 11:45 AM
salami_swami star
You would lose that bet, Schoonie.

The easier level is for those who are not as good as some of you players, it is completely fair. If I may say, it gets frustrating for us players who are not great at the game to constantly be beaten by those players with 15 in 35 seconds over and over. I can rarely get 12 right on the harder level, so the easier level is where I play. And I still don't do great... It is nice not to have to compete against top competitors all the time. That is why there is a champion division, which I greatly appreciate.

You'll get the badge for Whozits well before most easier players, because there is never the same person at first place every time... It is mixed so much, it is fair. I still fail to see anything wrong with this system.

Reply #9. Feb 09 10, 12:27 PM
Anton star
The real question here is will Schoonie still care about this once he gets the 5,000 Whozit point badge?

Reply #10. Feb 09 10, 1:04 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
Nah, probably not, Anton. I'm a day behind on most all of the new stuff anyways so playing catchup as it is. But something I noticed nonetheless.

Salami, why do you think you deserve more points for playing in an easier division?

Reply #11. Feb 09 10, 1:59 PM
salami_swami star
I didn't say you deserve more for easier divisions.

But it IS more difficult to stay near the top because it's easy, so if you are 10th, and beat out 80 people, shouldn't you get more than if you're 10th place, and only 15 people play?

Reply #12. Feb 09 10, 2:03 PM
salami_swami star
If there were 10 people playing in the easy division, and 100 playing in the champion division, you wouldn't complain about too little points. 10th place would get 10 points in the easy division, and 10th place would get 90 on the harder division. Same thing is happening, only opposite... It matters on how many play, regardless of the difficulty.

And look at the top scorers this month. Most of them play the harder division, not the easier division.

Reply #13. Feb 09 10, 2:05 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
So why not just combine all the divisions into one when you are going to have global points? That makes for an even playing field.

And why is an even playing field looked at on here with such utter horror?

Reply #14. Feb 09 10, 2:05 PM
salami_swami star
It IS an even playing field right now, as it is. If you were to combine it into one, it may be an even playing field for the champion players, but for us who cannot beat any of you regulars, it is fair as it is NOW. I am not looking at an even playing field with horror. You are looking at it that way. You don't like they way it is NOW, which IS an even playing field.

Reply #15. Feb 09 10, 2:27 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
You say you cannot win in the tougher division (which I don't buy for a minute) but now you get equal or greater points for having an easier ride of it?

Sounds like you're contradicting yourself a little there. :)

Maybe it will all wash together down the road (after all, in any of those, you miss a week and you get destroyed in the overall :) ) but just seems like trying to combine apples and oranges.

Reply #16. Feb 09 10, 2:38 PM
honeybee4 star
I don't understand Salami_Swami's reasoning. He has only 7 badges less than Schoonie. Why aren't they in the same division. Just because you haven't finished one of the categories shouldn't mean that you don't play in the higher division that your number of badges should put you. I think the whole champion thing is screwed.

Reply #17. Feb 09 10, 2:44 PM
salami_swami star
I can't win the higher division, Schoonie. I have tried and tried, and before, simply by being level 122, I was put in with the big dogs. The easier game has easier questions for those like me, who are not that good at the game, but it still provides a challenge, because you must be much faster than the harder levels. I am not contradicting myself. I think the game is perfect the way it is. It is fair. If you are a champion, you SHOULD have a tougher time getting the points... If you are not a champ, you should have an easier time to get points.

There would never be 10 winners a month if the champs got more points than those actually TRYING for the badge.

Reply #18. Feb 09 10, 2:45 PM
salami_swami star
I think this is an argument neither of us will win. We're not getting anywhere.

Reply #19. Feb 09 10, 2:45 PM
Schoonie101 star

player avatar
It's actually top 10 out of the 30 who don't have the badge yet.

Ha. Now I know why you don't want it to change back to normal, salami. You caught a huge break being thrown back down into a lower division when you should be in the higher division and you know you have a bit of an advantage now that you didn't have before.

That's why.

It's OK, I don't blame you in the slightest for wanting to exploit that advantage as long as possible. Because your reasoning that you have play a tougher set of questions so you should get less points doesn't really hold much water. :)

Reply #20. Feb 09 10, 2:54 PM

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