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Subject: Big Brother 23 (US)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 05 21

Here we go again fellow Big Brother fans! The season premiere is set for Wednesday July 7. I don't know about you all, but I'm all set to "expect the unexpected"! :)

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jasa9092 star

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Ok, first off - why when I click on this thread I get an error message saying, "Page is our of range. 0". (Yes, it says our instead of out). Anyway, I had to click on this from the Buzz feed to be able to come here.

Reply #1. Jul 05 21, 8:23 PM
jasa9092 star

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Have you all read about the new houseguests? I am disappointed that 12 out of the 16 are only in their 20s. Two are 30, one is 34, and another is 40. Are they trying to get us older fans to stop watching? One guest has already been replaced, because she tested positive for Covid-19. I hope she gets to come back next year.

After reading the bios, I think the person I'm most looking forward to is Brandon "Frenchie" French. He is 34 and has lost a son. That pulled on my heart strings. I'm not sure if his strategy is the best. My favorite strategy would be Xavier. His strategy is, "Adapt to the twists of the game as they come and enjoy playing Big Brother the way it was meant to be played.". I'm hoping that means we will have at least one player that wants to play the game. Can you believe Sarah actually said her strategy is to float?? And CBS actually chose her to be on the show? At least she was honest I guess, lol.

Reply #2. Jul 05 21, 8:36 PM
jasa9092 star

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Oh yeah, and I meant to mention that Alyssa said her strategy would be to be the first HOH. They tend to get in the main alliance made and get to be with the strongest players. That makes sense, but of course winning the first HOH isn't going to be that easy, lol.

Reply #3. Jul 05 21, 8:45 PM
jasa9092 star

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Anyone have a favorite yet? I know it is early, but right now I am liking Kyland. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. Frenchie is a loose cannon. I hope he gets the boot this week. If I shook an 8 ball, I think it would say, “signs point to yes”, lol.

Reply #4. Jul 19 21, 4:26 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Hi Jasa! Wow, it has been a long time since I have been on this chat. I am most certainly watching BB this year. I haven't formed a firm opinion yet as to my favourite players.
I do like Britini. I think I feel bad that she is considered a "throw-away" player...."Let's nominate Britini" just to fill in a seat on the block. None of the players have jumped out at me yet, I will probably have to give it a few more weeks.
Again we have the famous BB cliches.
#1. How do you feel about going up as a pawn? DUH. not good I would imagine.
#2. The totally pointless threats and promises made every week by anyone who is nominated, i.e. "they'll be sorry because I am going to win the Veto...the next HOH...I know who my target will be...blah blah blah. usually made by someone who never wins anything.
#3. Winning this veto , HOH, wild card (whatever) I have to win, it is not an option. (losing is always an option that everyone but one person will find out)
#4. My name came out of your mouth.
#5. I have to do what is good for my game. (why would you do anything else?)
#6, If I win HOH I am going to blow this game up. I am not afraid to make big moves. Watch me. Okay, we watch. You are afraid to make big moves so you nominate Britini again. LOL!
#7. I haven't heard "throw me under the bus" yet. Must be gone out of style.
#8. I didn't come here for a showmance....and yet, here you are in a showmance.
#9. I run this house. I am the puppetmaster. Wait? What? How did I just get voted out?
#10. This will be the best blindside ever!!

Should be interesting to see if Christian gets back-doored. If you take a shot at him, it had better hit as he seems to win just about every challenge. The alliances are strange. The Cookout and their pawns must be just about everyone in the house. (except Britini!)

Anyway, Veto on Wednesday night. (I absolutely HAVE to win this Veto or I could be going home.)

Reply #5. Aug 09 21, 5:32 PM
jasa9092 star

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Yay, I have company! I was getting lonely, lol. It’s great to see you in here! :) I’m not gonna lie, since I was alone I had considered using this as a weekly blog and just post updates on who won HOH, Veto, and went home… even if just to remind myself, lol.

It is so funny you mentioned not hearing, “throw under the bus” this year, because I told my husband that just the other day.

Brent was clueless, wasn’t he? Actually telling them not to use the Veto and thinking it would blindside Xavier. And then he said this will go down in history as one of the best moves ever. Umm, no it goes down in history as one of the worst, lol.

I really like Hanna right now. Yes, Christian is great at comps, but Derek X is just as good.

Reply #6. Aug 11 21, 4:26 PM
jasa9092 star

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At the beginning of the season we kind of rooted for Britini, because my grandson has Autism too. She hasn’t done much to impress me though.

Reply #7. Aug 11 21, 4:30 PM
briarwoodrose star

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I know, I had a lot of hope for her at the start. She seems to have a goodly amount of talents and skills (black belt, valedictorian, etc.) but for some reason she does not do well in any challenges. Still holding out a little hope...I feel bad that they keep nominating her. It must make one feel like..well... a pawn. LOL!
I would LOVE to see her win the Veto tonight. Fingers crossed....and what I always say, Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Reply #8. Aug 11 21, 5:17 PM
jasa9092 star

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Yay she won Veto! I felt so happy for her! :)

Reply #9. Aug 12 21, 4:26 AM
jasa9092 star

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A tiny part of me was curious to see if Alyssa would have been stupid enough to use it and then her man go up. I’m sure she would have wised up though, being confident that Britini would have went home.

Reply #10. Aug 12 21, 4:29 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Yes, I was so happy for Britini. She needed a plus to happen to her.
Alas, once again, I allowed myself to think that maybe, just maybe, this HOH would follow through and make a BIG move. I think he has been threatened and cowed by the Kings and will go with Britini...but WAIT! LOL! NOT THIS TIME. Oh, what to do, what to do. So, the Kings are pushing Derek F. to go up. They are really starting to bug me, always trying to pick a "weak" player to cut.
I will be so disappointed in Derek X. if he does this. After his incredibly inane move of telling Alyssa that "hey, I'm sending your main squeeze home, you okay with that?",...what was he thinking?? Of course she almost broke her legs running to tell Christian and the rest of the Kings so they could all jump on board and harangue him endlessly.
Now, if he does succumb and nominate Derek F., I hope he realizes that the Kings are going to send him packing asap, no matter what they are promising right now. To the Kings, he can no longer be trusted, at all. Christian will never let it go and chances are very good that Christian will be winning more HOH's. At least if he follows through and nominates him, if he goes it will be one less major threat playing the contests.
However, do they have the votes to evict Christian? I really don't know where the rest of the house stands on that.
Stay tuned for tonight!

Reply #11. Aug 12 21, 7:05 AM
jasa9092 star

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It worried me that they were gonna flip. I was yelling at the screen that they are idiots if they think it is better for their game to keep him, Sara Beth is not a threat in any way — competition or social.

As for them wanting Derek F, what were thinking? Only threat there would be social I guess.

Oh, did you see someone finally said, “under the bus”? Lol

Reply #12. Aug 14 21, 6:50 PM
briarwoodrose star

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LOL! Yes, I almost choked! I guess someone still remembers the phrase.

Derek went through with it, kudos to him. I think he would have been targeted either way, so going through with it removed the main competition.
I loved how Derek and Azah would not let them drag Britini away and try to threaten her to vote whatever way they said. Too funny..."Oh, that's ok. we're going too"..."oh, well we insist"....haha!!
I do think that Britini is extremely loyal to those in her group and would never vote against any of them.

Let's see what happens tonight!! (new twist!)

Reply #13. Aug 15 21, 8:47 AM
jasa9092 star

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LOL, yes it was hilarious how they tagged along with Britini. That was crazy.

What did you think about America’s three choices for the 100 dollars? I pretty much agreed except I would have chosen Hannah. I was happy for Britini that she was one of them. She needed something to raise her spirits. I hope the nominees stay the same and Claire goes home. She doesn’t do much.

Are those three eligible to get the 100 again or is it a “one time per houseguest ” kind of deal? I would think they could get it again since the most costly wager game is 250 dollars.

Reply #14. Aug 15 21, 7:47 PM
briarwoodrose star

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I don't know how that works. It would make sense if they did vote again. If not, the people who spent their $50 already would stay at zero for the rest of the challenge!!

I think the alliance will start to crumble, at least a little They did not figure in becoming emotionally attached to the other players. Tiffany is very upset at the thought of Claire going home, and she went ahead and spent her money anyway to try and win the second veto. Derek and Azah love Britini. Derek went up as a pawn to save Britini and then didn't tell her and Azah what he had done. Nice to see that some people still truly care about others.
One question...why was Derek X not put up this week? He is a fearsome player and the only chance you will get to nominate him is when you are HOH. What is Kyland thinking?
Picking off weaker players does NOT help one's game. Does he have a special agreement with Derek X.? Kyland, wake up! Christian thought he had an agreement with Derek too! Right now you are the person winning a bunch of stuff and I bet Derek had you at the top of his "Must Go" list.

It should be an interesting veto tonight. I am not even sure how this "twist" will work. First you have to be on the list to try and win it, then you have to vote on who you think will win? Did I get that right?

Chances are that someone will come off the block. Will Kyland put Britini up as a replacement? Boy oh boy, Derek F. would NOT be happy as that would mean he and Britini would be up there. Azah would loose her mind.

Can't wait to see it tonight!!!!

Reply #15. Aug 18 21, 7:38 AM
briarwoodrose star

player avatar
OMG LEAVE Britini alone.
How is she a threat to his game???

Doesn't want to nominate his best friend, Derek X. who is a threat to everyone's game, including Kyland. Duh.

And Tiffany saying she just doesn't get how attached Azah and Derek F are to Britini. Once again, Duh. She is willing to slay dragons to save Clair.

Well, re-nominations should be interesting tonight, followed by the eviction followed by the next HOH.

Reply #16. Aug 19 21, 6:53 AM
jasa9092 star

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Aww poor Britini. I agree she is no threat. I thought for a minute there that Kyland was going to back door Derek X. That would make sense.

I see everyone gets America’s votes again. I’m rooting for Hannah and Derek X. I don’t care who else gets the third.

I’m not a fan of SB, so I wasn’t thrilled when she won HOH. I bet she back doors Derek X.

Reply #17. Aug 19 21, 7:15 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Yep, I am sure Kyland and Xavier will convince her to do it. I wonder who they will nominate now that Britini is gone?
The only ones left are SB, Claire, and Alyssa...and Derek X.

Poor Britini. They convinced her that she had to go because she was such a big threat to all the big, strong, smart guys.

Imagine how she is going to feel when she finds out what has been going on. I am thinking that when the first cookout member gets voted out (only has a couple of weeks to go), they will be so ticked off that they will spill it. Who do you think will go first? I know Tiffany will probably want Derek F gone because thy don't like each other. It Derek goes, he will no doubt tell all to Britini in the jury house. On the other hand, they may keep him because they think they can beat him in the final two.
Don't they usually have a double eviction about now? Maybe next week? Thinks will get so complicated because of the two twists left, and honestly, I don't have a clue how they work!!!

Reply #18. Aug 20 21, 1:31 PM
jasa9092 star

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I was going to mention the double eviction. I thought they’d have one by now too. I haven’t watched tonight’s episode yet. My guess is that she will put up Derek X and Hannah. Who was it that she wanted out bad a while back? Hannah?

When the Cookout turns on each other, I’m betting Tiffany goes first. She’s kind of bossy. But they might see Derek F as a social threat. If they were smart, they would get out Kyland. He’s too good at comps. I like him though. My least favorite of that alliance is Tiffany.

Do you have a favorite to win yet? I still like Hannah and then Derek X. They are smart and seem to figure people out better than the others. Plus they seem kind and get along with everyone. Although they weren’t thrilled with his decision to get out Christian. Like I said, he is smart and knew he needed to evict him while he had the chance. He might not win HOH again.

Reply #19. Aug 22 21, 11:39 PM
jasa9092 star

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Oh… forgot to mention an observation. Doesn’t it look like this cast actually knows the game? Meaning they actually watch and aren’t there just get famous or find a summer fling? It’s so much more enjoyable to watch. If I wanted to see showmances, I would watch Love Island.

Reply #20. Aug 22 21, 11:43 PM

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