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Subject: Big Brother 23 (US)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Jul 05 21

Here we go again fellow Big Brother fans! The season premiere is set for Wednesday July 7. I don't know about you all, but I'm all set to "expect the unexpected"! :)

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jasa9092 star

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I’m also trying to figure out Kyland and SB. Do they like each other or is it more of a brother/sister kind of thing? Maybe I will find out after I watch tonight’s episode. They seem like an odd pairing to me.

Reply #21. Aug 22 21, 11:46 PM
briarwoodrose star

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LOL! Yes, there seems to be no showmances (except for Christian and Alyssa) and that was stopped. Is there really any bromances?
In past BB, there have always been the big bromances but this year, the relationships between the guys are not solid at all. Kyland and X are trying to make Derek X feel like they have a bromance with the 3 of them, or at least a solid alliance. Derek X. though, quite wisely, is taking it all with a grain of salt.
Meanwhile...Clair and Derek X have certainly been noting that whenever X's name is brought up Tiffany immediately changes the topic to get them away from talking about evicting him.
And now X is up because of the twist. It is going to be a battle for that veto. This could be Derek X's last comp. If anyone but he gets it, takes Clair down, then Derek X is going up and going to jury. I hope he does win it.
He has played a smart game for the most part, and he knows something is going on but just can't put his finger on the whole alliance. Last night he talked to Clair and was trying to figure out who was in a n alliance, he just doesn't know that is six people!!!!

If Derek X wins the veto, takes Clair down, Alyssa has immunity due to the twist , and SB is that would be exciting!!! LOL!
Maybe she would replace Clair with Hannah because as you said, she really was pushing to send her home before.

It would be exciting because I am a little tired of the "well, I know I'm safe so I am not worried at all". It's always fun to see that attitude shaken up...after all, it is BB, never feel safe, it leads to complacency. So many people have been evicted due to this. Being on edge makes people better players, actually having to think 3 moves ahead.

Reply #22. Aug 23 21, 6:38 AM
briarwoodrose star

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RE: SB and Kyand
Didn't she state at the beginning that she had a girlfriend and was very much in love with her?

Reply #23. Aug 23 21, 6:40 AM
jasa9092 star

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Oh yeah, I forgot that SB said she had a girlfriend. I didn’t even think of the non-bromance. You’re right. I don’t recall a season they didn’t have one. If Travis had stayed, I could see he and Christian possibly be.

I watched all of this week’s episodes tonight. It actually was kind of nice. Sort of felt like watching an episode of Fast Forward, lol.

Tonight’s voting… if Tiffany and Kaza had voted to keep Derek X, he would have stayed. I was shocked Kyland voted to keep him. I’m so sad Derek left. :(

My nomination guesses are that Tiffany will put up SB and Kyland, because if he wasn’t on the block and won veto then he would take her down.

Reply #24. Aug 26 21, 7:58 PM
jasa9092 star

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Azah… not Kaza. I knew that didn’t look right when I typed that, lol.

How did Claire get 100 casino bucks? What was America thinking? She is my third least favorite houseguest. I didn’t vote in the past, but I voted all 10 times this week for Hannah.

Reply #25. Aug 29 21, 8:47 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Ah yes, Clair. I think she certainly will feel duped. Winning "the Coin of Destiny" and then doing absolutely nothing with it because she wanted "Tiff's HOH to remain the same.". Oh Dear Me. She could have changed the game just like that. But instead she had her video moment when she went on about Tiffany and how she knew she would be safe sticking with her etc....meanwhile Tiff is just trying to make sure that Clair can't play in the following week HOH. LOL!
I guess nothing too exciting will happen until the six have to turn on each other. It will be interesting to see what happens, who goes first etc. Right now it is getting a little boring. The Cookout members aren't even trying to win anything, they are totally safe. I hate when everything is all mapped out for weeks. You just sit and tick the next name off the list as predicted.
There must be a double coming up soon. So far, no mention of it.

I really have no favourite yet. I did like Derek X. but he is gone. SB doesn't present well, and she is ticked that "America" didn't vote her money in the last twist. She will be gone this week unless she wins Veto, and then it will be Alyssa.
I can't vote for anyone, so I have to sit back and await the machinations that will be starting shortly!

Reply #26. Aug 31 21, 12:27 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Oh, and yes...I was shocked when Kyland voted to keep Derek. What was that? I thought he was on board with it. If Derek had stayed, X would not have been happy. Do X and Kyland have a final two? I have seen/heard little about any Final 2's.
I imagine that most will want to take someone "without a resume". (new catchphrase...I have to build my resume)

Reply #27. Aug 31 21, 12:31 AM
jasa9092 star

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Yeah the resume must be the new thing to say. Under the bus will probably start rolling whe the Cookout has to turn on each other.

I got to thinking about America’s votes for Claire. I’m guessing America is sick of seeing the Cookout sliding by.

Two double evictions in a row! Yay! :)

When did Hannah become “Chaddha”? Did they ever explain that and I missed it? We had one night get interrupted for weatherman giving tornado info in our area, so I didn’t get to see the entire episode.

Reply #28. Sep 02 21, 7:27 PM
briarwoodrose star

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found this...On BB23 Hannah later revealed to her cast mates that she actually prefers to be called her surname, which is Chaddha.

I couldn't figure out who Chaddha was either!! LOL!

Yes, a double eviction and then another one the next week! Finally a little excitement.
The only thing for any excitement is will it be Claire on the block (with Tiffany) or Alyssa (with X), seeing as Alyssa was the second one out after Derek, in the very last bit of the show tonight. She was the only one who could have changed it up a bit. She fell during the commercial so I didn't see what happened. I thought she would last quite long in the endurance. Claire has to throw it so she will probably try to hang on to be #4 because the first three are have-nots. However, if Tiffany tells her to drop at #3, I am quite sure she will throw herself off immediately.
SB tonight blabbing on how she was voted off because people figured she would take them out etc. and so everyone decided that Kyland was the better choice to keep. LOL! Must have been a little bit of a shocker to hear what he said in his tape...oh, you had to go because I am in a secret alliance and it was your turn...sorry...I love you. friends for ever!!
I imagine when she hits the jury house, it will really hit her what happened.
played, played, played....oops.

I always find it so funny that when someone is HOH and they are so happily evicting someone, so gleeful if they can get them in a blindside, and a great deal of the time so "so sad...bye bye...your turn to go....don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out"...attitude....and THEN, the next week they are nominated. All the tears and gnashing of teeth and pleading and wondering why he/she is hated...etc. let's see...shoe-other foot scenario

Ah, fate is a fickle mistress.

Reply #29. Sep 02 21, 11:03 PM
jasa9092 star

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Thanks for the info on Hannah’s name change.

I agree that it is funny to hear some of the evictees think they got the boot because they were a threat, lol. Derek X for sure was. I wanted him to win.

I haven’t read any message boards this season, but I do like to check on who wins endurance. I read that Alyssa fell, because she passed out. I wonder if that was really true, because I can’t see passing out just lasting for a second or two. Who knows. Maybe we will see some footage tonight.

It looks certain that someone from the Cookout will win this season. I just hope they don’t drag Azah to the final two because she is easy to beat. I hate when they do that where second place doesn’t deserve it. My order of who should deserve to win: Kyland, Xavier. Tiffany, Hannah, Big D, Azah. The only threat Big D has is his social game and even that is weak in my opinion. I think Derek X should get America’s Favorite.

Reply #30. Sep 05 21, 2:17 PM
jasa9092 star

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I don’t blame Tiffany for winning HOH. Xavier said she was selfish, but this is an individual game. He is the one being selfish. Plus, why would Tiffany want to see Claire go home? She has Tiffany’s back. My order has flipped. Tiffany deserves to win over Xavier. I still think Kyland should win though.

Reply #31. Sep 06 21, 7:19 PM
briarwoodrose star

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I'm in a cottage on the beach so I hope I can watch this week's shows. I did see Sunday, but everyone was talking and I couldn't hear the show and I did not want to shout "BE QUIET" at everyone! LOL!
I wasn't sure why X was mad at Tiffany. I thought I heard him say that if he won veto he would take Alyssa down. ??? Couldn't quite figure that one out because it would mean that he stayed up and Tiffany would have to put up Claire or another cookout member. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't put up Claire because that would mean Claire's jury vote would disappear pretty darn fast.
Did I hear that right?
I guess I'll have to watch Wed. night and try to ignore everyone here for an hour!!

Reply #32. Sep 07 21, 9:39 PM
jasa9092 star

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Enjoy your trip! Sounds great! :)

Yes, you heard Xavier right. Alyssa won the veto though, so we didn’t get to see if he would have used the veto on her. That would have been a dumb move, because if Tiffany put up another Ccokout member he could have gone home.

I feel so bad for Claire. :( I hope Alyssa wins the next HOH and see the Cookout shook up. I’m ready for the double eviction!

Reply #33. Sep 08 21, 7:10 PM
jasa9092 star

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Well that was predictable.

Reply #34. Sep 09 21, 7:48 PM
jasa9092 star

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I wonder who got HOH. We get to see the pecking order in the Cookout finally. As I said before, as long as someone doesn’t drag Azah to the final two I’m ok with anyone else.

Reply #35. Sep 12 21, 2:24 PM
jasa9092 star

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I’m so irritated! The whole episode didn’t get recorded, because the show before that ran over. Of course it cuts off right at the nomination ceremony. I have avoided the spoil sites, but I had to see who Kyland put up. In doing so, I accidentally saw who also won the veto. Grr! I wanted to be surprised. :(

Reply #36. Sep 12 21, 7:58 PM
briarwoodrose star

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I did manage to see most of the shows when I was away.

Predictable, just another check on the list. Now we will see the game being played. Kyland seems determined to take X to the final two. If he does, he is a fool. I am fairly sure X will win, he has not been seen as being responsible for people being voted off the show.
I think the target will be Tiffani and Hannah from the rest of the players.
X and Kyland will keep Azah and Derek for one of the final two. They have won zero comps and have done nothing for the entire show.
If Kyland wants a shot at winning, he should really consider using the back door for X. I think he will keep Kyland only as long as he feels he needs to, for getting rid of Tiffani and Hannah. I can't see him taking Kyland to the final two.
I don't know who won the veto...don't tell me!!!
I missed the last couple of minutes, but when I was able to watch the very end, Tiffani and Hannah were hugging and did not look happy, so I assuming that Kyland has immediately reneged on the alliance that was formed 15 minutes ago and put them up.
If Tiffani had taken the opportunity she had, she could have back doored X, and either he or Kyland would have been gone.

I guess I'll just have to wait until Wednesday and see who wins the veto!

Reply #37. Sep 13 21, 1:46 PM
jasa9092 star

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I really wish I could have seen Kyland’s speech, especially since Hannah told him that by his speech she assumes she isn’t the target.

I don’t get why everyone (including you) thinks X will win the game over Kyland. Kyland has more wins and seems to get along with everyone. In my opinion, X just throws everything and isn’t doing much.

Reply #38. Sep 15 21, 7:13 PM
jasa9092 star

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Azah was a fool!!! This is one of the many reasons she better not be taken to the final two! She doesn’t deserve any prize money!

When she won HOH I was doing a happy dance and knew Kyland or Xavier was leaving. When she put up Hannah I thought, “What???”. Hannah HAD to win veto, because I don’t think Azah would have taken Hannah down being so confident that Xavier would have been voted out. What a fool.

And then there is Kyland…. He saving Xavier… geez fool move too. I’ve never rooted for Xavier to win the game, but now I am. Ky just served the win to X on a silver platter. Although Ky is a better competitor, X was able to convince Ky to take him. This is reminiscent of the year when Derek convinced Cody to take him.

Reply #39. Sep 16 21, 9:38 PM
briarwoodrose star

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I know, I just don't get it.
If X is in the final two, and it seems that Ky is determined to take him, he will win.
X has basically sat back, thrown comps, and not (pardon the cliche) gotten blood on his hands. He let the rest of the Cookout do that, mostly Ky.
So, in the words of BB, he has good "jury management". That is why I think he will win it all.
There seemed to be some bitter feelings toward Ky in the jury house. Britanni, SB, (she said that it was all the unnecessary lies he told her, not the fact he kept the alliance a secret, that really hurt her), Tiffani (he is completely directly responsible for her being voted out), and now Hannah, by taking X down from the block.
I think it is proof that Azah knows zilch about what is going on in the game. This was her big chance, her ONE big chance to remain in the game. I am guessing she is next to go. The only way she will stay is if the next HOH decides that it would be a bad look for them if they voted off all the women in the Cookout. Faint hope I guess.
I wonder if X will keep Ky if it comes down to the final two. Ky is adamant that he will take X, which is the worst decision he will make for the entire game. A $750,000.00 mistake. I think he believes that the jury will applaud all his decisions without factoring in the fact that all his decisions sent the jury people to the jury!! Some will be able to say, "well, it was a great game move" and get past it, others, not so much. The feeling that you were played and made a fool of, that doesn't sit well with most people. Remember what happened to Paul. He played everyone, and lied his face off, got to the final 2, and much to his chagrin...didn't get the votes of all the people he had Final two's with and then had voted out.

Anyway, tonight is the next show. Should be interesting. I wonder if they can make a challenge that Derek can win. LOL! He was saying that they were starting to think of him as a comp beast. ???? Really?? Just because he came in second when there were only 5 people playing. Ego much?
So far he has proven that he cannot compete in physical challenges, memory challenges, endurance challenges....maybe they can come up with a challenge that is strictly based on luck , i.e. pull a winning token out of a bag I am guessing that is Azah's only hope that he wins. The look on her face after the vote, she now looks worried, as well she should be. Tiffani and Hannah told her what was happening, what would happen, yet somehow she still couldn't figure it out. I think that being able just to sit back and let the game happen without ever having to worry about the block and the comps, led her to a feeling of complete security.
So tonight, odds are that Ky or X will win. Derek or Azah will go.

I wonder how ticked off will they be when they find out X is a lawyer, and played them all with that?

Reply #40. Sep 17 21, 7:21 AM

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