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Subject: Fake Moon Landings

Posted by: wildwohl
Date: Jul 17 11

Why has no one came out and admitted they were part of the faked moon landings? Weird that people believe the landings were faked, yet no one has came out and said they were part of the project. Go fig.

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Can you imagine.... Houston: Apollo 11, what is your status?
Apollo 11: We missed.

Reply #41. Aug 28 12, 7:29 AM
Cupra star

player avatar
They must have landed on the moon at some point. Haven't some reserved seats for the future?

Reply #42. Aug 28 12, 8:26 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Conspiracy theories never die because they rely on ignorance, not knowledge, for their propagation. Unfortunately, the news media is now incapable of critical reasoning.

Reply #43. Oct 23 13, 6:38 AM
If people really did land on the Moon then why are there no stars in the background of each photo and a lack of impact craters? The American flag also seems to be moving, as if blowing in the wind, which would be impossible because the Moon doesn't have an atmosphere.

Reply #44. Jan 12 16, 6:22 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar
Elusive, I seriously you are asking those questions as a joke. However, if you aren't, here's your answer about the lack of stars. By the way, you too can try this at home.

Reply #45. Jan 12 16, 6:40 PM
MiraJane star

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About the flag question ... Think about a few minutes. The answer is easy. Common sense helps. Still can't figure it out?

Reply #46. Jan 12 16, 6:45 PM

player avatar
There was a special on this, many years back. `Did we really land on the moon'.
They didn't make a good case for me. I didn't need to do too much research to debunk the five points that they made to `prove' that it didn't happen.
My uncle worked for NASA and Martin Marietta over his career, and I have a lot of memorabilia from this auspicious event.
As well, 60,000 people were working at NASA at this time.
So, as they said it would be `next to impossible' to keep such a secret. Those looking at things with `welder's glasses' can make the `square peg fit the round hole' easy enough.

Reply #47. May 03 17, 11:23 AM
Creedy star

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I can't wait for the next giant step forward mankind makes into space. Apparently that's going to be Mars.

When they eventually get back to the moon - probably to set up something like a stagecoach inn on a long journey across a nation - I hope they leave the flag there - but erect a kind of see through monument over the top of it, so it'll stand for millennia.

Reply #48. Sep 23 17, 6:45 PM
Mixamatosis star

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Having despoiled and exploited the Earth, we are now planning to despoil and exploit the Moon and Mars. Also, can you imagine the disputes over ownership that will happen and the amount of junk flying around in space or abandoned on land. I hope this doesn't happen. Man is so destructive and unwilling to pay to clean up his mess.

Reply #49. Oct 03 17, 7:34 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
We're not going to the moon or to Mars anytime soon, despite what the politicians say. There's nothing to exploit in either of those two places. The cost of just getting to the moon and back (to say nothing of Mars) vastly exceeds any mineral value there. It's just not going to happen. But if any billionaire out there wants to invest his/her own personal money on manned trips to the moon or Mars, by all means, do so. Buy a seat on the first flight there if you wish. Your great grandchildren may inherit that ticket some day. Manned space exploration, as exciting as Apollo was (and it very definitely wasn't fake) is, and will remain so for the foreseeable future, cost prohibitive.

Reply #50. Oct 03 17, 9:34 PM
terraorca star

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Mankind has to move to somewhere. We've pretty much destroyed, and are still destroying this planet.
Fact, not fantasy.

Reply #51. Aug 17 18, 10:16 PM
Mixamatosis star

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Just stop destroying the planet is the answer. There's nowhere else that we know of in the Universe and that we have the capacity to reach that is nearly as beautiful and that we are as adapted to survive on.
What would be the point of living on some barren rock having to live always inside some structure with an artificial atmosphere to keep us alive. It would be so depressing, and in the sky we'd probably be able to see the wonderful blue planet that we'd left or made uninhabitable.
I'd rather go back to the stone age on Earth than leave it. I do get attached to places :-)

Reply #52. Aug 24 18, 1:53 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
I'm not really optimistic to be honest but I hope I'm wrong. We live in a global capitalist system and capitalism requires growth to survive and growth uses up the Earth's resources and the Earth's resources are finite, so I can't see how we can avoid our own eventual destruction. We can perhaps slow it down if there's a will to do so, by being more careful about what we do and how we do it.

Reply #53. Aug 24 18, 1:56 PM
terraorca star

player avatar
Capitalism doesn't have to destroy the Earth. With the knowledge that we now possess, we can forego the Earth's destruction. However we need to work smarter and with a common goal.
Currently we don't have that.

Reply #54. Dec 06 18, 12:03 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
The notion that people in first world countries can limit growth in countries like China and India with billions of mouths to feed and desperate poverty is pure hubris. Already these two countries have exceeded the pollution outputs of the US and Western Europe combined. Foolish globalism, not capitalism, is the real danger to the world. Thomas Malthus predicted exceeding world capacity for growth in agricultural production centuries ago. He was wrong. The capacity of human ingenuity for overcoming obstacles should not be underestimated. Ivory tower intellectuals will be proven wrong on this point again and again.

There are no limits. We need growth, lots of it, and we will get it and there will be no Apocalypse, provided we don't follow globalists who can't tie their own shoelaces. People can and will solve their own problems on their own schedule.

Reply #55. Dec 07 18, 10:45 PM
It is worrying that those with little reasoned argument tend to insult those with a different opinion.
I used to believe we walked on the moon but since watching some video on Youtube that shows for example:
1. Tim Peak filmed in front of a green screen (used for CGI) accidentally filed at NASA
2. Film of Astronauts supposed to be in zero gravity with wires clearly attached to them. Or other filme where CGI errors occur.
3. Also the question why there was no blast crater has never really been answered.
4. Sound heard on the Moon (no sound should exist in a vacuum)
5. No sound time delay when hearing radio conversations with Astronauts thousands of miles in space
6. When we saw Neil Armstrong take 'One small step for me' who was filing him? ( It is filmed from the Moon surface, yet no one else was there, or were they?)

Reply #56. Feb 12 19, 3:44 AM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
All pure BS. There were plenty of sounds from the astronauts. Of course, because they had air in both their spacesuits and in the lunar module. The rest is too ridiculous for even an infant to believe. Just because you can find Tooth Fairy videos on YouTube doesn't mean they have any merit.

Reply #57. Feb 14 19, 11:17 AM
daver852 star

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There definitely WAS a sound delay. I remember watching this as a kid, and there was a marked communication delay.

Reply #58. Feb 17 19, 3:31 PM
brm50diboll star

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The people that put together these schlock YouTube videos to deceive people probably edited out the time lags. Oh, and you don't get craters from liftoff rocket blasts. If you did, they would've had to rebuild the launch site at Cape Canaveral (and everywhere else they launch rockets) after every shuttle launch. Rockets aren't anywhere near powerful enough to produce craters. Only three things are strong enough to produce craters: volcanic eruptions, underground massive explosions (like nuclear tests), and high speed impacts. You don't get craters from liftoff rockets.

Reply #59. Feb 17 19, 6:47 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
Science versus conspiracy theories - love it.

Reply #60. Feb 18 19, 7:39 AM

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