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Authoring: Insignia

Authoring: Insignia
You have achieved tier 0.
Tier 1 - Author 2 label quizzes (25 players)
Tier 2 - Author 5 label quizzes (2 players)
Tier 3 - Author 8 label quizzes (6 players)
Tier 4 - Author 12 label quizzes (2 players)
Tier 5 - Author 17 label quizzes (0 players)
Tier 6 - Author 25 label quizzes (1 player)
Tier 7 - Author 40 label quizzes (0 players)
You have not yet completed this challenge.

Prestige reward per tier: 3 prestige

The Challenge:

 Do you have what it takes to be a star?

Well, I don't have a star for you, but I have the southeast quarter of it. Well, more like one eighth of the whole thing, but "quarter" sounds better.

I just can't give it to you for nothing - it'll take a little work. To be exact, you first need to prepare a nice, labeled, map or diagram. It should have at least ten items - but don't include the descriptions in the image because otherwise you would not be able to turn it into a creative label quiz, which you could easily build around such a picture. Then do it once more, for a total of two, and you can have this star quarter. Or should I shorten that to "starter"?


 Awarded to a player who authors 2 label quizzes.

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