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Halloween 2013

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Prestige reward: 10 prestige

The Challenge:

 How do you get a badge for winning at trivia when you're not good at it? Simply find some categories where everybody else is even worse.

This is an exclusive event badgelet that was available only from October 28 to November 3, 2013.

On this last October week,
we'll have a game of hide and seek.
Five spooks shall visit us those days
now you shall figure out their ways.
One special badge they give to you
and here is what you need to do:
Each spook lights up if you complete
a secret, all-important feat.
To light Jack's lantern answer quick
for one quiz only does the trick.
The hellish number in a game
for the devil does the same.
A cross on every grave I see
and if you're level twenty-three
you know the challenge, just that one
this week by everyone gets done.
A ghost appears and causes fear
to all who eerie wailings hear.
So if about this spook you care,
a fellow player you should scare.
The zombie, lastly, craves its food
Just one it wants and all is good.
Now if this riddle stumped you well
talk to your friends and team you shall.
Exchange ideas, share clues, discuss
just don't make it a public fuss.
Keep it in private, in your team
join up to find the hidden theme.
Then once you know it, do your share
and when you light up the fifth scare
you'll be a champ of Halloween
forever to be known and seen.

Extra hints:

  • Ghosts are fickle friends. A deleted ghost will disappear.

  • The quiz you seek will rot over time, but it's still pretty fresh.

  • A bug was fixed whereby some players had been credited with the Devil portion without actually completing it. Those players will have seen their devil disappear, and will now have to earn it like everyone else.

  • Zombies can't ever have too much to eat.


 Awarded to players who completed the limited edition Halloween 2013 challenge.

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