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Long and Short (2) Crossword Puzzle

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Small pangram crossword with only 11 and 3 letter words.
Author: sam388 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Altar words (1,2)
      4. Pub drink
      7. Make choice
      10. Tanzanian mountain
      11. Author LeShan
      12. School committee (abbr.)
      13. Pea soup
      14. French island
      16. River island
      18. Great anger
      20. Online frauds
      21. Computer port (abbr.)
      22. Lock opener
      23. Light stroke
      24. Legal action
      26. How lovely
      28. Animal home
      30. Cab operators (4,7)
      31. Nice summer
      32. Scratch out
      33. Curvy letter


      1. Pres. Eisenhower
      2. Absolutely nothing (6-5)
      3. "Rio" hello
      4. Elec. unit
      5. Ivy support
      6. Bambi's aunt
      7. Clumsy person
      8. Begetters, ancestors
      9. Dress up
      14. Hospital ward (abbr.)
      15. Tide movement
      16. Noah's transport
      17. Rugby play
      18. Naughty child
      19. Boston time (abbr.)
      24. Holy woman (abbr.)
      25. Somerset river
      26. Praiseful poem
      27. Hurry up
      28. American omega
      29. CIA predecessor (abbr.)