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So Hard Crossword Puzzle

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Because this author favours unusual words occasionally, feedback at times has been received along the lines of "Why are your crosswords so hard?". So what if a created crossword was both 'so hard' and 'not-so-hard' at the same time. Solve the crossword to see if this corundum, scratch that, conundrum was achieved. Oh, and if it is of some utility, this crossword is also a pangram. Don't worry. This is not so hard.
Author: 1nn1 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      4. Tea
      8. Hot pepper
      9. French port city overlooking the Strait of Dover
      10. A gadget for extracting liquid from fruit and vegetables
      11. Achieves great victory especially when the odds of success were low
      12. A body part, sac-like, with no known function OR subsidiary information at the end of a document
      14. Haitian religion combining Catholic ritual & traditional African magical/religious rites
      15. A single event in a sequence
      18. Widen
      21. Number 7 on the Mohs' Hardness Scale (is worth a few pints)
      22. Skin infection forming pustules caused by Streptococcus pyogenes and/or Staphylococcus aureus.
      25. Sapphires and rubies are comprised of this compound rated at 9 on the Mohs' Hardness Scale
      26. Major Syrian city settled over 5000 years ago
      28. 1993 movie where Eastwood takes a bullet for the president "In the ____ Fire" (4,2)
      29. Jack, a Golden Bear golfer
      30. A keen interest shared by many people but short-lived


      1. Swindle, especially relating to demanding a higher selling price than what was agreed upon
      2. Number 1 on Mohs' Hardness Scale (Definitely not so hard)
      3. Changed course slightly
      4. Circumstances surrounding the setting for an event or idea, and to increase understanding
      5. A person who attains a high or specified degree of success
      6. A description of behaviour that attracts attention because of a person's exuberance and confidence
      7. Furcula - a forked item between the neck and breast of a bird OR a type of vehicle suspension system
      12. British tool for chopping wood OR to cancel or dismiss something/someone suddenly
      13. Enveloped completely to hide from view
      16. Relating to igneous rocks that have solidified below the earth (& not in a romantic relationship)
      17. Fell asleep, perhaps unexpectedly (5,3)
      19. "The Matrix" lead character is new
      20. Cannot be scratched: hardest known mineral, a 10 on Mohs' scale. Definitely oh-so-hard
      23. Move around with high springy steps. (Usually associated with equine animals)
      24. Not so hard but not quite as soft as talc - a '2'
      27. Ms Fitzgerald, American legendary singer but NOT Ms MacPherson, former Australian model