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BTD American Style #2 Crossword Puzzle

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Created for the Author's Lounge the Fully Crossed [3] challenge, this American-style puzzle covers a wide range of topics. Enjoy!
Author: BigTriviaDawg - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. He's the greatest
      4. Could possibly
      7. Hoaxes
      12. Pedigree
      14. A gum resin from the poison hemlock
      16. Nitpicker
      17. Cherry Slice or Strawberry Sunkist (3,4)
      19. A conjunction, preposition, and an adverb
      20. Echelon
      22. Lowest fat milk (Am. spell.)
      23. Absolve
      27. Scruff
      29. Sense of self
      30. Thou
      31. Formal deliberative assembly
      33. Annuls
      35. She wrote "Noddy" and "Malory Towers" (first name)
      37. Evidence
      39. Creativity
      40. Teenager's bane
      42. Jackson ___, The Dave Cark ___, or Maroon ___
      44. If nothing else, they serve coffee
      47. Typical Alfred Hitchcock or Stan Lee film roles
      50. Fragrant gum resin from the bark of Santos mahogany tree
      52. Tracy Chapman sings about a fast one
      53. An epoch
      54. A member of Congress
      57. Confused
      59. A cake with molten chocolate fudge
      60. Latin for "and"
      61. Luthiers tools
      63. Facebook Inc.'s new name
      65. Purple berries of the South American palm tree
      69. The very first single released by Justin Bieber (3,4)
      71. To break the terms of an agreement
      73. Stone fruits
      74. Small traveling suitcases
      75. Extract metal from ore
      76. Band with the hit "Don't Bring Me Down"
      77. In 1929 Joseph ___ invented Rocky Road ice cream


      1. This TV creature crash landed in the Tanner's garage (acronym)
      2. Original first name of the first Han Emperor, Gaozu
      3. As the saying goes, "___ and outs"
      4. The protein shell of a virus
      5. Before the present
      6. Bottom line after deductions (Brit. Sp.)
      7. Loose gravel on a slope
      8. Using threats to persuade
      9. A coordinating conjunction
      10. To notice the absence of
      11. A factory chimney
      13. Jacob's hairy brother
      15. Second longest Italian river
      18. A minor Jewish prophet
      21. Instinctive rather than reasoning
      23. How a pirate might say "yes"
      24. In opposition
      25. People who ask questions of game show contestants
      26. A spasmodic muscle spasm
      28. Crab-eating macaque (aka)
      32. Legolas or Galadriel (sing.)
      34. Part of the circumference
      36. Often numbered one to six
      38. Having the ability to evoke emotions
      41. A flavor of quark
      43. Oliver Cromwell's House is in this small city
      45. A magical creature like a fairy or a pixie
      46. Blunder
      47. Yo-Yo Ma's instrument of choice
      48. Green Day song "When I Come ___"
      49. The Sun has a Latin name
      51. Japanese name for an Asian plum
      55. The most boring and unoriginal
      56. "Pitfall!" and "Space Invaders" could be played on this console
      58. The official language of East Timor is "Portuguese ___"
      62. A tread groove to improve tire grip
      64. A route for suppositories
      66. A container to protect something
      67. To have received a perfect score on a test
      68. Size of the yellow polka dot bikini
      70. Gibson, Brooks, or Blanc
      72. ___ Rida had hits with "Low", "Whistle", and "My House"