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Sightseeing Safari Crossword Puzzle

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Number 2 (of 20) in a series of crosswords produced for November's Quiz Writing Challenge. A personal goal is to create a crossword for every Fun Trivia category. There is a theme which seasoned solvers should spot swiftly. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      2. Second-largest W. Hemisphere country by area (init., 3)
      6. Ships passing in the night? (init., 4)
      7. Stockholm's country (6)
      8. Shenge and Sulima are towns in ____ Leone, whose capital city is Freetown (6)
      9. Swiss capital (4)
      11. Seaport of 7A, connected by a bridge to Copenhagen (5)
      13. Senegal's capital, sometime endpoint for an annual off-road race (5)
      16. South African capital? (4)
      18. Sections of the Costa del Sol; Spanish beaches (6)
      20. Swimsuit named after an atoll (6)
      21. Samoan capital (4)
      22. Salient point (3)


      1. Second-largest continent, home to Somalia and Sudan (6)
      2. Superpower until 1991 (init., 4)
      3. Singapore and South Korea are ____ countries (5)
      4. Smederevo and Sombor are cities in this landlocked European country whose capital is Belgrade (6)
      5. Situated close by: Slovakia is ____ Slovenia in Europe (4)
      10. Scandinavian nation, neighbour of 7A (abbr., 3)
      11. Saint-Tropez sea (3)
      12. Siege site of 1936-39, capital of 15D (6)
      14. Saudi ____, home of the two holiest cities in Islam (6)
      15. Segovia setting, sometime castle site (5)
      17. Sahara-like (4)
      19. Sahrawi ____ Democratic Republic: partially recognised state in the western Maghreb (4)