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Sacred Styles Crossword Puzzle

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Number 7 (of 20) in a series of crosswords produced for November's Quiz Writing Challenge. A personal goal is to create a crossword for every Fun Trivia category. There is a theme which seasoned solvers should spot swiftly. In this puzzle, Bible quotations are taken from the New International Version. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Sights, multitude; "Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly ____" [Ps. 148:2] (5)
      4. Seriously sombre; "Why does your face look ____ when you are not ill?" [Neh. 2:2] (2,3)
      7. Sleet-covered; "Who can withstand his ____ blast?" [Ps. 147:17] (3)
      8. Scriptural pause word in the Psalms (5)
      9. Start afresh; "but those who hope in the Lord will ____ their strength" [Isa. 40:31] (5)
      10. Stipulation: "Take warning, Jerusalem, ____ will turn away from you" [Jer. 6:8] (2,1)
      11. Son of Jacob (see Gen. 30:12-13) and one of the 12 tribes of Israel (5)
      14. Symbol of penitence; "they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ____" [Matt. 11:21] (5)
      17. Sporades (Eastern) island; "The day after that we crossed over to ____" [Acts 20:15] (5)
      20. Sheik's subjects; "God helped him against the Philistines and against the ____" [2 Chron. 26:7] (5)
      23. Sacred slitherer (3)
      24. Selenic; "established forever like the moon, the faithful witness in the sky" [Ps. 89:37] (5)
      25. Sometime king of the Amorites [Num. 21:21] (5)
      26. See red? "'Pay back what you ____ me!' he demanded" [Matt. 18:28] (3)
      27. Segovia setting; "I will go to ____ and visit you on the way" [Rom. 15:28] (5)
      28. Spouse of Abram; "Now ____ was childless because she was not able to conceive" [Gen. 11:30] (5)


      1. Son of Beeri, first of the minor prophets in the Old Testament (5)
      2. Second pillar of Islam, which is prayer (var., 5)
      3. Synonymous for the River Nile in Isa. 23:3 and Jer. 2:18 (var. 5)
      4. Southern neighbour of Turkey; "News about him [Jesus] spread all over ____" [Matt. 4:24] (5)
      5. Southern of the two great cliffs of the gorge of Michmash (1 Sam. 14:4) (5)
      6. Sun rises; "until the day ____ and the morning star rises in your hearts" [2 Pet. 1:19] (5)
      12. Servants of the temple: the descendants of "Keros, ____, Padon" [Neh. 7:47] (3)
      13. Self-importance; "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" [Prov. 16:18] (3)
      15. Specific gate in Solomon's temple complex: "a third at the ____ Gate" [2 Kings 11:6] (3)
      16. Subside like the tide; "as their lives ____ away in their mothers' arms" [Lam. 2:12] (3)
      17. St. Paul's companion; "With the help of ____, whom I regard as a faithful brother" [1 Pet. 5:12] (5)
      18. Spiritual sustenance from heaven; "The people of Israel called the bread ____" [Ex. 16:31] (5)
      19. "Shitrai...was in charge of the herds grazing in ____" [1 Chron. 27:29] (var., 5)
      20. Some church recesses, often sites of religious statues (5)
      21. Shudder at; "I ____ the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked" [Ps. 26:5] (5)
      22. Site where the Commandments were given to Moses [Ex. 19, 20], Mount ____ (5)