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Long and Short (23) Crossword Puzzle

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Small pangram crossword with only 11 and 3 letter words.
Author: sam388 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Unplayable serve
      4. Peruvian tuber
      7. French gravy
      10. Mouse deer (pl.)
      11. Sesame seed
      12. Chewing candy
      13. Something staked
      14. Above prefix
      16. K-pop group
      18. Luxury resort
      20. Squash cousin
      21. Unknown number
      22. Use towel
      23. Be chatty
      24. Neckline type
      26. ISP pioneer (1,1,1)
      28. Genetic material (1,1,1)
      30. Made crystalline
      31. Particular purpose
      32. Scratch out
      33. Tokyo, formerly


      1. Play part
      2. Anthropoid apes
      3. Slippery swimmer
      4. Non-profit domain name
      5. Contrary effort
      6. Cash dispenser (1,1,1)
      7. Triangular sail
      8. Not described
      9. Fast jet (1,1,1)
      14. Notable time
      15. Very chilly
      16. Unopened flower
      17. Pig pad
      18. Droop down
      19. Priests vestment
      24. Computer monitor (1,1,1)
      25. Adam's partner
      26. Had breakfast
      27. Speak untruth
      28. Craps cube
      29. Much commotion