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Science Subjects Crossword Puzzle

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Number 18 (of 20) in a series of crosswords produced for November's Quiz Writing Challenge. A personal goal is to create a crossword for every Fun Trivia category. There is a theme which seasoned solvers should spot swiftly. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      3. Solidify or harden (3)
      6. Safeguarding, protective (type of equipment, including 20A, 21A) (6)
      7. Slinky, essentially (4)
      8. Soldering device (4)
      9. Salient to radioactive element #92 (6)
      10. Support for laboratory apparatus: retort ____ (5)
      12. Seal of thin glass used on a microscope slide: ____ slip (5)
      16. Smouldering (glowing) item used to test for oxygen gas (6)
      18. Shore thing, often found in laboratory buckets for extinguishing certain fires (4)
      20. Safeguard for eyes, nose and mouth: ____ shield (4)
      21. Something worn for hand protection (pl., 6)
      22. Sense of wonder sometimes experienced in a laboratory (3)


      1. School event encouraging individual project work: Science ____ (4)
      2. Substance for curdling milk, cheesemaking enzyme (6)
      3. Sugary solution (5)
      4. Surprisingly cheap (figuratively): "____ penny..." (3,1)
      5. Solid carbon dioxide (3,3)
      8. Some phones and tablets use this operating system (init., 3)
      11. Scarce blood classification (4,1,1)
      13. Second-hand (charity) store (Aust. & NZ), cheap source of materials (2-4)
      14. Stick, used for mixing, often made from glass: stirring ____ (3)
      15. Specimen platform on a microscope (5)
      17. Sudden thought, essential for 1D event (4)
      19. Shortage (4)