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Can We Meat Down At The Crossing?

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A crossword about meat, meat products and methods of cooking meat. Enjoy but don't get too hungry. (All references and spellings are British based.)
Author: mutchisman - Diff: Harder



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      1. A type of cured meat
      4. A popular accompaniment to lamb dishes (two words)
      9. Anger
      10. Vegetarians will eat ___ meat
      11. Beef and lamb are both considered to be ___ meat
      13. Use a knife to do this
      15. A flat, round mixture of meat and (usually) onions etc; a mainstay of 1 Down (2 words, plural)
      16. Spanish cry of approval
      17. Food code for yogurt
      18. A place to live
      19. ___ beef is sometimes found in tins
      22. A male deer
      24. A female pig
      25. A female sheep
      27. Simple
      28. A choice cut of beef
      30. Another word for donkey
      31. Abbreviation for Nebraska
      32. Small round type of bread or cake
      34. Meat from a deer
      36. Horses, sheep and goats belong to this group of animals (plural)
      39. An animal kept for milk and meat
      41. Crazy or angry
      42. This meat usually comes from a cow and is usually served cold
      46. A non-meat product from cows and some other animals
      48. A town of north-eastern Spain
      49. Not down
      50. A small species of duck
      51. The thigh from a chicken (or other poultry)
      52. Imaginative


      1. A method of cooking outdoors
      2. A place to eat and/or drink
      3. A selection of bite-sized pieces of different foods (colloquial term)
      4. Happy (especially around Christmas)
      5. Unclothed
      6. Long tubes of assorted meat products
      7. Raw
      8. I was so hungry I ___ have eaten a horse
      12. These are often served with gammon
      14. These are used to eat with
      20. What the sun is doing in the morning
      21. Hot ___ (plural)
      23. A cut of beef (three words)
      26. Hairpieces
      29. A small fenced area for keeping animals
      30. Everything
      32. Attacked by a goat
      33. An international community of countries (initials)
      34. Calf meat
      35. Almost
      37. Meat from a sheep is classed as lamb or mutton according to the ___ of the animal.
      38. Are you going ___ eat all of that?
      40. ___ James; female blues and soul singer
      41. What this crossword is mostly concerned with
      43. A type of paddle
      44. Sticky stuff
      45. International courier service (initials only)
      47. Female pronoun