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Crossword Editors: SilverMoonsong (emeritus), spanishliz, kyleisalive, 1nn1, Fifiona81

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1 Plants and Other Things
I'm dipping my toes back in the waters of cruciverbalism after a long hiatus. If a clue looks tough, try Wiki-ing it verbatim. The answer should be there. Mostly Latin-English plant names.
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
243 plays
Dec 13 24
windrush gold member star
2 Festive Foods
My next offering in the Phoenix Rising Team Crossword Challenge looks at yummy festive foods. Save some for me!
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
437 plays
Dec 05 24
VegemiteKid gold member star
3 A Very Bready Quiz
Some - but not all - of the words in this quiz are associated with bread.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
603 plays
Nov 19 24
Kankurette gold member star
4 Coins & Banknotes
All types of coins and banknotes from all over the world.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
380 plays
Aug 25 24
sw11 gold member star
5 Such Sweet Sorrow
The sorrow is not being able to eat all of these sweets! Inspired by the Shakespearean Crossword challenge, this puzzle contains several helpings of dessert to savor.
Hobbies Harder Large Puzzle
1064 plays
Apr 05 24
pusdoc gold member star
6 Foods Galore #4
An international assortment of foods and drinks from all over the world. Most of them are given with 2 or 3 clues.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
1523 plays
Jan 29 24
sw11 gold member star
7 Eastern and Western Zodiac Signs
Bringing the Eastern and Western astrological traditions together for a bit of crossword zodiac fun.
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
769 plays
Jan 09 24
SevenSees gold member star
8 Food, Glorious Food!
A variety of dishes, fruit and beans to make your mouth water. Bon Appetit!
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
1889 plays
Dec 30 23
gme24 gold member star
9 Stuffing It In
November brings the US holiday when family and friends gather for a feast. This puzzle focuses on the food seen on the table during the meal.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
903 plays
Nov 28 23
pusdoc gold member star
10 Sweet Stuff
Number 4 (of 20) in a series of crosswords produced for November's Quiz Writing Challenge. A personal goal is to create a crossword for every Fun Trivia category. There is a theme which seasoned solvers should spot swiftly. Enjoy!
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
1213 plays
Nov 15 23
psnz gold member star
11 Three French Hens
Ooh la la! No Christmas or shapely chicken legs here, but lots of French food. A typo happened and three French men found their way into the crossword.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
580 plays
Nov 14 23
leith90 gold member star
12 Postage Stamps
History, people, sites, countries, sporting events, fruits and animals featured on postage stamps. Dates relate to stamp issues.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
767 plays
Oct 13 23
sw11 gold member star
13 Foods Galore #3
An international assortment of foods and drinks from all over the world.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
1262 plays
Jul 24 23
sw11 gold member star
14 Eating My Way Through Japan
I'm working in Sapporo and enjoying food throughout the country. This puzzle gives a small taste of what's available! Note: multiple English spellings may exist - try something phonetic if you have trouble.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
628 plays
May 15 23
pusdoc gold member star
15 Food Galore #2
An international assortment of foods and drinks from all over the world.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
1277 plays
Apr 26 23
sw11 gold member star
16 Bouillabaisse, Plov and Pudding
Never attempt to construct a crossword when you are hungry - most of the clues turn out to be food related. This is "A Delicious Crossword Challenge".
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
737 plays
Mar 01 23
1nn1 gold member star
17 Drinks Galore
An international assortment of drinks from all over the world.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
1193 plays
Dec 07 22
sw11 gold member star
18 There's Something in My Coffee!
Over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed each day worldwide. Such a popular beverage has inspired lots of varieties and additives - drink up!
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
1340 plays
Oct 26 22
pusdoc gold member star
19 Fruity Delights
This puzzle began as an exercise with fellow author windrush to create a crossword based on fruits which are also colours (e.g. lemon, mango, peach). This version quickly became food-focused. Enjoy!
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
2108 plays
Sep 29 22
psnz gold member star
20 Cornered "P"rovisions
Written for a challenge requiring the same letter in all of the grid's four corners, this quiz is chock full of words related to food and drink. Enjoy!
Hobbies Average Small Puzzle
2240 plays
Sep 26 22
LadyNym gold member star
21 Colorful Fruits
Fellow author psnz (he's just chock-full of challenges!) challenged me to create a crossword based on fruits which are also colours (e.g. lemon, mango, peach). I soon 'branched out' into other plants. Two (capitalised) anagrams to help. Bon Appetit!
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
2464 plays
Sep 25 22
windrush gold member star
22 *22* "Two Little Ducks"
This is a Bingo-themed puzzle, as well as an entry in the "Twenty-Two Crosswords" challenge. As with the title, Bingo numbers are displayed in asterisks, while the associated calls appear inside quotation marks. Enjoy!
Hobbies Harder Large Puzzle
818 plays
Sep 12 22
psnz gold member star
23 Food For Thought
Here's a smorgasboard of things food and drink related for you to sink your teeth into. Beware the unpalatable fillers.
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
1625 plays
Sep 01 22
leith90 gold member star
24 Korean Foods Deconstructed
Phoenix Rising's Gold Crew is presently on the Korean Peninsula. In this puzzle, we look at some of the ingredients used in popular Korean foods. Mas-issge deuseyo!
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
745 plays
Jul 15 22
psnz gold member star
25 Bonzer Bento Box
The eighth stage of Phoenix Rising's world tour saw the Gold Crew in Japan. One of our tasks was to construct a symmetrical crossword relating to that country or its culture. This puzzle focuses on Japanese cuisine with clues for non-English answers labelled (J). Meshiagare!
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
583 plays
Jun 21 22
psnz gold member star
26 Windy's Food for Thought 5
I've got the munchies again! Help me work my way through a number of international dishes. Bon Appetit!
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
816 plays
Jun 18 22
windrush gold member star
27 Drinks, Anyone?
A crossword referencing many (mostly alcoholic) drinks. A warning - please don't sample all of these in one sitting! Chin-chin!
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
1241 plays
Jun 09 22
windrush gold member star
28 Photo Mania
Enjoy this photo-themed crossword, created for the 'Crossing FunTrivia Games' challenge!
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
1211 plays
Jun 02 22
VegemiteKid gold member star
29 Foods Galore
An international assortment of foods from all over the world.
Hobbies Harder Small Puzzle
1392 plays
Apr 24 22
sw11 gold member star
30 Meatless Monday
This quiz is dedicated to my vegan wife. Most of the questions are on plants from growth to consumption. Bon appetit!
Hobbies Harder Medium Puzzle
824 plays
Apr 21 22
BigTriviaDawg gold member star