1 |
Plants and Other Things
I'm dipping my toes back in the waters of cruciverbalism after a long hiatus. If a clue looks tough, try Wiki-ing it verbatim. The answer should be there. Mostly Latin-English plant names. |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
2 |
Festive Foods
My next offering in the Phoenix Rising Team Crossword Challenge looks at yummy festive foods. Save some for me! |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
3 |
A Very Bready Quiz
Some - but not all - of the words in this quiz are associated with bread. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
4 |
Coins & Banknotes
All types of coins and banknotes from all over the world. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
5 |
Such Sweet Sorrow
The sorrow is not being able to eat all of these sweets! Inspired by the Shakespearean Crossword challenge, this puzzle contains several helpings of dessert to savor. |
Hobbies | Large Puzzle | |
6 |
Foods Galore #4
An international assortment of foods and drinks from all over the world. Most of them are given with 2 or 3 clues. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
7 |
Eastern and Western Zodiac Signs
Bringing the Eastern and Western astrological traditions together for a bit of crossword zodiac fun. |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
8 |
Food, Glorious Food!
A variety of dishes, fruit and beans to make your mouth water. Bon Appetit! |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
9 |
Stuffing It In
November brings the US holiday when family and friends gather for a feast. This puzzle focuses on the food seen on the table during the meal. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
10 |
Sweet Stuff
Number 4 (of 20) in a series of crosswords produced for November's Quiz Writing Challenge. A personal goal is to create a crossword for every Fun Trivia category. There is a theme which seasoned solvers should spot swiftly. Enjoy! |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
11 |
Three French Hens
Ooh la la! No Christmas or shapely chicken legs here, but lots of French food. A typo happened and three French men found their way into the crossword. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
12 |
Postage Stamps
History, people, sites, countries, sporting events, fruits and animals featured on postage stamps. Dates relate to stamp issues. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
13 |
Foods Galore #3
An international assortment of foods and drinks from all over the world. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
14 |
Eating My Way Through Japan
I'm working in Sapporo and enjoying food throughout the country. This puzzle gives a small taste of what's available! Note: multiple English spellings may exist - try something phonetic if you have trouble. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
15 |
Food Galore #2
An international assortment of foods and drinks from all over the world. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
16 |
Bouillabaisse, Plov and Pudding
Never attempt to construct a crossword when you are hungry - most of the clues turn out to be food related. This is "A Delicious Crossword Challenge". |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
17 |
Drinks Galore
An international assortment of drinks from all over the world. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
18 |
There's Something in My Coffee!
Over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed each day worldwide. Such a popular beverage has inspired lots of varieties and additives - drink up! |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
19 |
Fruity Delights
This puzzle began as an exercise with fellow author windrush to create a crossword based on fruits which are also colours (e.g. lemon, mango, peach). This version quickly became food-focused. Enjoy! |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
20 |
Cornered "P"rovisions
Written for a challenge requiring the same letter in all of the grid's four corners, this quiz is chock full of words related to food and drink. Enjoy! |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
21 |
Colorful Fruits
Fellow author psnz (he's just chock-full of challenges!) challenged me to create a crossword based on fruits which are also colours (e.g. lemon, mango, peach). I soon 'branched out' into other plants. Two (capitalised) anagrams to help. Bon Appetit! |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
22 |
*22* "Two Little Ducks"
This is a Bingo-themed puzzle, as well as an entry in the "Twenty-Two Crosswords" challenge. As with the title, Bingo numbers are displayed in asterisks, while the associated calls appear inside quotation marks. Enjoy! |
Hobbies | Large Puzzle | |
23 |
Food For Thought
Here's a smorgasboard of things food and drink related for you to sink your teeth into. Beware the unpalatable fillers. |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
24 |
Korean Foods Deconstructed
Phoenix Rising's Gold Crew is presently on the Korean Peninsula. In this puzzle, we look at some of the ingredients used in popular Korean foods. Mas-issge deuseyo! |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
25 |
Bonzer Bento Box
The eighth stage of Phoenix Rising's world tour saw the Gold Crew in Japan. One of our tasks was to construct a symmetrical crossword relating to that country or its culture. This puzzle focuses on Japanese cuisine with clues for non-English answers labelled (J). Meshiagare! |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
26 |
Windy's Food for Thought 5
I've got the munchies again! Help me work my way through a number of international dishes. Bon Appetit! |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
27 |
Drinks, Anyone?
A crossword referencing many (mostly alcoholic) drinks. A warning - please don't sample all of these in one sitting! Chin-chin! |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
28 |
Photo Mania
Enjoy this photo-themed crossword, created for the 'Crossing FunTrivia Games' challenge! |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle | |
29 |
Foods Galore
An international assortment of foods from all over the world. |
Hobbies | Small Puzzle | |
30 |
Meatless Monday
This quiz is dedicated to my vegan wife. Most of the questions are on plants from growth to consumption. Bon appetit! |
Hobbies | Medium Puzzle |