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Fruity Delights Crossword Puzzle

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This puzzle began as an exercise with fellow author windrush to create a crossword based on fruits which are also colours (e.g. lemon, mango, peach). This version quickly became food-focused. Enjoy!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Japan's unofficial national flower, "Sakura" (sing., 6,7)
      8. Furtive summons (4)
      9. Healthful dessert, possibly containing 13D, 10A, 12A and even 22D (5,5)
      10. Yellow fruit, delicious when split (6)
      11. Brewed beverage, served without milk (5,3)
      12. Soft red edible fruit (drupelet) whose name can also refer to a sound expressing derision (9)
      14. Vegetable type, including carrots, radishes and turnips (4)
      15. Bring bad luck (4)
      16. A side effect, such as oxygen from photosynthesis (2-7)
      20. Literally, this dessert is Italian for "pick-me-up" (8)
      21. One of an entertaining pair? (6)
      23. "Ficus benjamina", an ornamental tree that sounds sad (7,3)
      24. Dines (4)
      25. Navigating vessels, as a harbour pilot might do (8,5)


      1. Ice cream containing chopped candied fruits (7)
      2. Seconds (5)
      3. Dietary fibre, plentiful in fruits and vegetables (archaic, phonetic spelling, 7)
      4. Popular 6D or breakfast choice containing colourful fruit (sing., 9,6)
      5. Expense (6)
      6. Between-meals bite (5,4)
      7. Most miserly (7)
      13. Plantation crop and sometime pizza topping (9)
      15. Vegetarian's appliances, also people who drink to excess (7)
      17. Protein shake ingredients (3,4)
      18. Fancy finger foods (7)
      19. A meal which may be dished out (6)
      22. Asian fruit whose name means "pear" in Japanese (5)