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There's Something in My Coffee! Crossword Puzzle

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Over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed each day worldwide. Such a popular beverage has inspired lots of varieties and additives - drink up!
Author: pusdoc - Diff: Harder



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      4. A small cafe serving coffee and snacks
      8. Coffee-flavored liqueur from Mexico
      9. Flavor note in coffee that has been in contact with the ground
      10. Slang term for thick coffee
      11. Two shots of 12 across
      12. Italian method using very hot water and pressure
      14. What a barista does with the brewed coffee
      16. 12 across stained with a small amount of 32 down
      21. Where Sulawesi coffee originates
      23. 12 across with steamed milk
      24. Adjective for a coffee frappe
      25. More highly concentrated 12 across
      27. Flat ____, coffee with microfoam
      30. Important methylxanthine
      34. Tools for observing weather
      36. Flowers bestowed in Kona
      37. There are two of these in a double double
      38. The sounds of a burr grinder and a whistling teakettle
      39. The night before


      1. Red wine from the Piedmont
      2. A trivial lapse
      3. Coffee with coconut, chocolate and caramel is named for the cookie, not the country
      4. Wait patiently for the coffee to brew
      5. Aretha Franklin when she was inducted in the Hall of Fame
      6. Force that leads you to demand coffee
      7. Sounds of contentment when you take the first sip
      13. Red or Black
      14. Fruit with only a single coffee bean are called _____ berry
      15. Light, dark, or Italian
      17. What a child who performs as expected is doing relative to their age, 2 words
      18. With whiskey added
      19. French word for a different hot beverage
      20. Revitalizes gray hair (2 words)
      22. Part of the new name for Ceylon
      26. Abbreviation for ability to block UV rays
      28. Country thought to have originated "coffee culture"
      29. Should be fine for some machines
      31. Port city in Israel
      32. Crema is a caramel colored variety
      33. Bohemian river
      35. Kind of coffee produced by an automatic machine