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Korean Foods Deconstructed Crossword Puzzle

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Phoenix Rising's Gold Crew is presently on the Korean Peninsula. In this puzzle, we look at some of the ingredients used in popular Korean foods. Mas-issge deuseyo!
Author: psnz - Diff: Harder



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      4. Behold
      8. Rum cocktail named after a Cuban village
      9. Culinary clove used to flavour many Korean foods
      10. Traveller's need
      11. Inexpensive
      12. Type of meat often used in Korean dishes
      13. "Scotch Blue" and "Windsor": Korean blends sourced from Scotland
      16. Attraction; bibimbap vegetables are arranged so colours complement one another for visual ____
      18. Chooses
      20. A taste of sugar; japchae is savoury and slightly ____ stir-fried cellophane noodles and vegetables
      21. Ingredients cooked in a broth; the Korean version is called "jjigae"
      23. Tangy, zesty, rich in flavour
      24. Asian legumes whose sprouts are yet another 3D vegetable
      27. Veal source (sing.); this meat is sometimes used in bulgogi
      29. Springtime month in Korea
      31. Korean foods combine vegetables, 30D and fermented sauces with low calorie content: a healthy ____
      32. Religious official
      33. Stir-fried Chinese-style food item (4,4)
      34. Sirloin, brisket or rib ____ are cuts of 12A frequently used in bulgogi


      1. A 3D vegetable, the Korean ____ (mu), a white, crunchy, edible root
      2. Water colour
      3. The best-known Korean food, with salted and fermented vegetables including cabbage and 1D
      4. Accompanying serving of food, often used in a phrase with 31D
      5. Another 3D vegetable, also known as aubergine
      6. Edible decapod that may be part of bibimbap, gimbap (kimbap) or jjigae (see 21A)
      7. Flat hard snack food made from puffed or scorched 30D and used in Korean cuisine (4,4)
      13. Wine and dine
      14. Gimbap (kimbap) is similar to Japanese ____, with 30D and ingredients rolled in seaweed then sliced
      15. Gimbap/kimbap is sometimes finished by brushing with sesame oil or sprinkling with sesame ____
      17. Solid/liquid blend; a spicy ____ is used as seasoning in many Korean foods, e.g. chili pepper ____
      19. Easily transported; gimbap (kimbap) is popular as take-out for this reason (also see 14D)
      20. Asian staple forming part of a meat marinade when preparing bulgogi (3,5)
      22. Used to be
      25. A light meal is gimbap (kimbap) with 3D and "danmuji":____ (colour) pickled 1D
      26. Essential in a recipe
      28. Bulgogi is "____ meat", food grilled on a barbecue using a flame
      30. Popular Asian paddy product; bibimbap means "mixed ____"
      31. Menu item