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A Puzzle for British Chocoholics Crossword Puzzle

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A crossword for chocoholics, featuring the names of chocolate bars, biscuits etc found in the UK.
Author: mutchisman - Diff: Harder



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      1. Laticed toffee bar covered with Cadbury's chocolate (two words)
      9. A graduate in the arts (initials)
      10. Famous chocolate fruit made by Terry's
      11. Chocoholics might do this about their favourite product
      12. A person who hands out chocolate and other gifts
      13. "Have a break, have a ___"
      15. Chocolate balls with a honeycomb centre
      20. Common abbreviation of Californian city
      22. Understand a joke
      23. Small cylindrical toffee-filled chocolates, originally made by Rowntrees
      26. The original After Eights are this flavour
      28. Cheekiness
      30. How many chocolate bars do you eat ___ day?
      31. A type of gas used in riot control
      32. Scorns
      34. Black ___, Nestle chocolate selection box
      37. Abbreviation for concerning or concerned with
      38. A top-selling Cadbury's chocolate bar (two words)
      40. To keep busy
      43. A French word for 'the'
      44. Noise made by pigeon
      45. A chewy granola bar mde by Mars
      48. Not winners
      49. Miniature chocolate bars produced by Cadbury's
      50. Not new


      1. A filling found in chocolate selection boxes (also a Cadbury's bar)
      2. Small round chocolates made by Mars which contain a variety of centres
      3. According to the adverts this chunky chocolate product is only for men (initials only)
      4. Payments for labour
      5. Willie Wonka had one made of liquid chocolate in his factory
      6. Northern English city, original home of Terry's chocolates
      7. This guy may bring some chocolate or even be made from it (first name only)
      8. A time to give up chocolate maybe
      14. Chocolate bar full of bubbles
      16. Popular chocolate presents given at a Spring festival (two words, plural)
      17. The Garden of ___
      18. Magic ___, a type of Milky Way chocolate
      19. Adjective often used to describe milk chocolate
      21. Said at the end of a prayer
      24. Fictional disease (usally prefixed by dreaded)
      25. Chocolate bar originally called Marathon in the UK
      27. Anger
      29. These can be either chocolate filled toffees or chocolate cream cakes (plural)
      30. Added after the signature in a letter (initials only)
      33. A period of time
      35. An orange colour
      36. Eating too much chocolate may make you feel ___
      39. Another adjective often applied to the flavour of chocolate
      40. Chocolate biscuit made by Fox's
      41. Opposite of yes
      42. Terry's All ___, chocolate selection box
      45. Attempt
      46. Giving chocolates might be the ___ to her (or his) heart
      47. Too much chocolate might help to ___ your teeth