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The Witching Hour Crossword Puzzle

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Words related to witches, ghosts, Halloween and spirits have been used in this crossword. Good Luck!
Author: Soozy_Woozy - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Potion pots
      6. A witch can be either a woman or a ___
      7. "The Three Witches" is an ___ painting
      8. Religion that practices magic
      10. A ___ pot may be needed to flush out a witch's nose
      11. Witch Hazel is often used in face ___
      13. Anatomical name for the wrists
      14. Search for
      15. Destroys something using a wand
      16. Ghosts are ___ scary at night
      17. Bright celestial object
      19. Witches love to do this with a broom
      21. Net hair cap worn by some hags
      22. Halloween lights use many of the basic electric current units (sing)
      24. Writing fluid
      25. Witches'might have this type of crooked teeth (pl)


      1. Place where bats go to roost
      2. The evil witch used ___ apple to poison Sleeping Beauty
      3. Halloween trimmings
      4. Do ghosts have a real body?
      5. What a witch does on a broom
      8. These slender branches may be used as wands
      9. Harry Potter is ___ (two words)
      10. Witches have this large facial part (pl)
      12. A vampire has to make ___ before the sun comes out
      18. Crypt
      20. Puts on a cone hat and cloak
      23. 3.14
      24. Part of the psyche