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Litter Box Crossword Puzzle

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A jumble of unthemed words mixed into a crossword. U.K. spelling is used unless otherwise specified.
Author: leith90 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Permitted
      5. Baby's footwear (Var.)
      9. Make a mistake
      10. Boxer, for example
      11. Atoms of same atomic number but different mass numbers (Singular)
      12. Frozen water
      13. Locked
      16. Newer
      19. A body's faculty of perception
      21. A counting frame
      23. Accumulate or herd
      25. Go in
      26. Arthurian magician
      27. Breathe out
      29. Military trainee
      32. Kenickie's car is ___ Lightning
      35. Seclude, segregate
      38. A Harley-Davidson
      39. Leafy vegetable
      40. Unit of area
      41. Rodent
      42. Contemptible person
      43. Mistress of ceremonies


      1. Lucerne
      2. Illumination
      3. Female wizard
      4. Mock, insult
      5. Undergarments
      6. Atmospheric layer
      7. Age or era
      8. Person who removes ovine fleece
      14. Found in the ear
      15. Character or significance
      17. Rues
      18. School backpack
      20. Paid attention
      22. Insect
      24. Snakelike fish
      26. Bewitching, mystical
      28. Lacking sight organs
      30. Stick to
      31. Next after seventh
      33. Body joint
      34. Religious teacher
      36. Killer whales
      37. Saying or proverb