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Litter Box 2 Crossword Puzzle

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Another jumble of unthemed words mixed into a crossword. U.K. spelling is used unless otherwise specified.
Author: leith90 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Rub an itch
      5. Castle in Berkshire, England
      9. Fire residue
      10. Inhabitant of Moscow, for example
      11. Sets into
      12. Computer system (abb.)
      13. Anxious, scared
      14. To go before
      15. Female sheep
      16. Item in periodic table
      20. Vitamin A
      24. An idea proved true
      28. Patella
      32. A yearning or craving
      33. A light greenish-yellow colour
      34. Time of fertility in female mammals (Varr spelling)
      35. Make lace
      36. Malleable
      37. Decorative loop for securing a curtain
      38. Regret
      39. Satiate
      40. In a concentrated or closely set way


      1. Odd, weird
      2. Save for later
      3. Triangular area in bladder
      4. Telephone receiver
      5. Speak softly
      6. Developing
      7. Operating doctor
      8. Gladiator: Mr Crowe
      17. The sixth note in a scale (Varr spelling)
      18. Bovine cry
      19. Previously known as
      21. Age
      22. Wrath
      23. Female gametes
      24. Clubfoot
      25. Entwine, wreathe around
      26. An equilateral parallelogram
      27. Enigma
      28. Tied together, tangled
      29. Toward the direction of sunrise
      30. Small posy of flowers worn on dress
      31. Master or skeleton key