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Known Clues II Crossword Puzzle

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This symmetrical generic crossword will feature well established clues (aka known clues) as determined by the site One Across. All 76 clues are rated as 5 star clues, the best rating possible. (US English unless otherwise noted)
Author: tazman6619 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Bustle
      3. More impudent
      7. Every
      9. Female deer
      10. Possess
      11. Angry
      13. ___ Lupino
      14. Canine
      16. Prayer ending
      18. Not 'there'
      21. Rectify
      22. Male singer
      24. Vista
      26. Muslim general
      28. Fish eggs
      30. Muck
      32. Part of a min
      34. Cuddles
      36. Perceive
      37. And so on (abbr.)
      38. Occurence
      40. And also
      42. Oohed
      44. Shoe size
      46. Globe
      47. 12 months
      49. In the lead
      52. Homely
      54. Escort
      56. Unsurpassed
      58. Sob
      60. Some
      61. Siesta
      63. Not 'in'
      64. Top card
      65. 19th Greek letter
      66. Long journey
      67. Tater


      1. Aspiration
      2. Unusual
      3. Appear
      4. Backbone
      5. Boise's state
      6. Lion sound
      7. Plus
      8. Dawdle
      12. Mature
      15. Indebted
      16. First man
      17. 7th Greek letter
      19. Mistake
      20. Not 'odd'
      21. Enigma
      23. Born
      25. Laundry day
      27. Exploit
      29. Academy award
      31. Frozen water
      32. Put in place
      33. Company boss (abbr.)
      35. Grunt
      39. Geek
      41. Mineral
      43. Adjoin
      45. Consume
      46. Poem
      48. Hearing organ
      50. Ponderous
      51. Bottomless chasm
      53. Meadow
      55. Car
      57. Chaise
      58. Feline
      59. Second person pronoun
      61. Profit
      62. Hole