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Brewing Crossword Puzzle

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Terms used in the creation of and in relation to various alcoholic beverages (plus a few fillers).
Author: Engadine - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. One of twelve different sizes of champagne bottles, the largest (plural)!
      7. Behind.
      9. This nationality would not imbibe.
      10. This Belgian lager is popular around the world (init).
      11. Korean lager
      12. Describes a wine produced with little or no sweetness.
      13. An aroma component of a fine red wine.
      14. This is the material acted on by an enzyme, the . . . strate.
      16. An alcoholic beverage.
      17. More than a little (Two Words)
      18. Group of eight.
      19. The hop is this type of flower or fruit cluster.
      20. Beers brewed with top-fermenting yeast.
      22. Residue left when material is burned at not too high a temperature.
      24. To question.
      25. Organism which ferments sugars.
      27. Allowing some some fine wines to do this is regarded as best practice.
      29. Liquid volume measure.
      30. Singular name of type of plants including moulds, mildews, rusts etc.


      1. In wine tasting, this is almost a synonym for aroma.
      2. Strong, malty, dark old English ale (Two Words)
      3. Used to describe undefined herbal taste/aroma in wine tasting.
      4. This is what happens when water is lost from liquids or solids.
      5. Benelux monastic brewing tradition (Two Words)
      6. In wine tasting, this implies the presence of acetic acid.
      8. Term used in wine tasting to describe total acid content.
      12. Shortened form of the name Dianne.
      15. Bitterness unit (init)
      19. In wine-tasting, this describes an excessive sugar component.
      21. Faucets used to regulate liquid flow from the bunghole of a barrel.
      23. A good beer needs to have a decent one of these (plural).
      24. Proteins are built up of these acids, which are connected by peptide linkages.
      26. You need to break this to open a bottle of your favourite beer.
      28. Fine wines . . . . more value over the years.