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Random Trivia VI Crossword Puzzle

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This is a symmetric crossword about all subjects, similar to U.S. newspapers.
Author: jrrymaury - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Ending of a math proof (abbr)
      4. Nadal's nickname
      8. Some badges (abbr)
      11. To be, in the second person
      12. Bad sign
      13. Cow's cry
      14. Story
      16. Alignment of three, celestially
      19. Every
      20. Name, as of a book
      22. Aligned together
      24. Three-toed sloths
      25. Fairy tale bridge dweller
      27. Make fun of
      30. Surprised interjection
      31. Large hole
      33. Inclined
      34. Covering with a hemisphere
      37. Animal doctor, for short
      39. Second noble gas
      41. Final Greek letter
      42. British nobleman
      44. _____ Whitney, of cotton gin fame
      45. Beekeepers
      47. Fish eggs
      48. Allow
      50. Beatty or Flanders
      51. Swiftness born from urgency
      53. Struck with a walking aid
      55. Payment to the government
      56. Each
      59. Show (for example) sadness
      62. Coniferous pine
      63. Native American abodes
      67. Knot of tissue
      69. Soldier's address (abbr)
      70. Milky form of silicon dioxide
      71. Ballplayer from Ohio
      72. Stimpy's friend
      73. Tomb Raider _____ Croft
      74. _____ and outs


      1. Evergreen from Africa and Arabia (var)
      2. Part of 1 Across
      3. Small meat shop
      4. Popular Valentine's Day gift
      5. Grant or Winehouse
      6. North African hat
      7. Whichever
      8. Islamic holy man
      9. Mete
      10. Exchanged for money
      15. Airport guesses (abbr)
      17. Pontiac model
      18. Fast, sharp cry
      21. Falsified
      23. Functioning, as a human
      25. Stole
      26. Varied, within given limits
      27. Beach visit result
      28. Fencer's weapon
      29. Coral island
      30. Ammonia compound
      32. Crying product
      35. Amazed interjection
      36. Needle-toothed North American fish
      38. Jog, to a horse
      40. Sister's daughter
      43. Confederate general
      46. Fraud
      49. Politeness
      52. Neuron appendage
      54. Introduction for maiden names
      55. Electromagnetic pioneer
      56. In the distance
      57. It carries water
      58. Ferrum
      60. Amos or Spelling
      61. Paradise
      64. _____ Pot, of Cambodia
      65. Group charged with protecting nature (abbr)
      66. Auditory organ
      68. McMahon and Sullivan