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Growing a Crossword

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This crossword covers trees, shrubs and flowers from around the world, but with a UK bias. The crossword mainly uses the common names for the answers, not the scientific ones.
Author: rossian - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Evergreen conifer
      3. Tree which produces a sweet liquid
      6. An unreturnable service in racquet sports
      8. Symbol for arsenic
      9. Tree which sounds as if it should be on the seashore
      10. Another name for a knot in wood
      11. Pass urine (slang)
      13. The bough of a tree is sometimes called this
      15. Tree which produces a juicy fruit
      16. Tree decimated by disease in late 20th century
      17. Tree which sounds as if it could punish you
      19. Informal greeting
      22. Heraldic gold
      23. Tree which shares its name with a citrus fruit
      26. Flower which is one of England's symbols
      27. Egg cells
      28. Large trees in the Quercus genus
      30. Tree associated with churchyards in UK
      31. The tree of Lebanon


      1. Chemical symbol for iron
      2. Shrub which sounds like a French street
      3. Spice obtained from the nutmeg tree
      4. Tree which could be the remains of a fire
      5. Tree which sounds as if it's senior to you
      7. Fruit of full name of tree in 18 down (UK usage)
      9. Plant which produces the blackberry
      11. Garden flower which could be a vegetable: sweet ___
      12. Environmental Agency (initials)
      14. Genus which includes the bayberry
      18. ___ chestnut, a tree which bears candle like flowers in spring
      19. Plant resembling the lily
      20. Anger
      21. Member of Prunus family whose fruit is used for a type of gin
      24. Means of introducing fluids into the human body (abbrev.)
      25. Flower of the hawthorn
      28. What you might say if 7 down fell on your head
      29. Leader of the Sunshine Band