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Every Letter Crossword Puzzle

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No theme to this quiz but it will use each letter in the English alphabet at least once. UK English used.
Author: pollucci19 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      8. Assiduousness in work or study
      9. Aaron Sorkin TV series "The West ____"
      10. Free from bondage
      11. Metallic element, atomic number 30
      12. Adult female horses
      13. Capricorn
      14. Office worker
      15. Last
      19. Green eyed monster
      20. Ooze forth
      21. Large Australian birds
      22. Disagreed
      25. Overwhelming defeat
      26. Relating to a form of micro-organism


      1. Discourteous
      2. Extremely accurately
      3. Eyelid inflammation
      4. Unconventional in style
      5. In uninterrupted order
      6. Cut in short strokes
      7. Cigarette butt holder
      12. Ones who sell goods at a market (note: plural)
      13. Large citrus
      16. Lacking in kindness and compassion
      17. Gold in bars
      18. Vital vein
      23. Decays
      24. Inevitable ruin