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Gardening Joys Crossword Puzzle

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This quiz deals with aspects of gardening for the most part. Happy digging.
Author: Creedy - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. This fruit grows on a bush
      3. Sugar is obtained from this tall grass
      7. Dainty flower which often comes in violet or purple shades
      8. Plants that love moisture need to be kept in this condition
      10. More than one of us
      11. A garden plant that can also be found under the sea
      15. Plants belonging to the family Asparagaceae
      18. Twelfth letter of the alphabet
      19. A cow does this as well as giving manure
      20. River in Italy
      21. Hardy herb with small yellow flowers
      24. The opposite of No
      26. To transgress
      27. Homophone for Two
      28. These fruits are obtained from Mediterranean trees


      1. A little buzzer that loves flowers
      2. Said to be the most lovely flower of all
      3. A white sport's coat and a pink ___
      4. Indefinite article
      5. The waratah is the floral symbol for this Australian state (Abbrev)
      6. Potatoes have these
      9. Informal word for thanks
      12. These are usually dirty after working in the garden
      13. A young woman
      14. Felines love this plant
      16. This pretty flower sounds a little like a small horse
      17. Flowers which have a name that is almost starlike
      20. Persian fairy
      22. Indicating maiden name
      23. Symbol for the element Lawrencium
      25. ___ what!