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Eclecticity Crossword Puzzle

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An eclectic mix in which all twenty Fun Trivia categories are represented.
Author: 1nn1 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Best Actor Oscar winner in 2004 and 2009
      3. Ghana capital
      6. Captain with a whale bone leg
      8. Frodo pursuer
      9. Military rank (abbr.)
      10. Bartlett, for example
      11. Currency of Georgia
      13. Adolescent
      16. Toothed wheel that only allows movement in one direction
      18. Gradually decreased
      20. Viking activity
      22. Ex-Heavyweight Champion boxer (surname)
      23. Cloth scrap
      26. Shrek, for example
      28. Bacterial genus that causes Scarlet Fever
      33. Hillside (Scots.)
      34. Female bovine
      35. Sporting official (abbr.)
      37. Very close
      39. Slicing implement
      40. Unusual yellow gemstones (pl.)
      43. Southern African country
      46. Exclamation to express grief or pity
      48. Young equine
      49. Poem: Keats' speciality
      50. Foot digit
      51. Corrosive liquid
      52. Croatian coastal city
      53. Water grass


      1. Musician from Hamelin
      2. Smaller of the two main islands of New Zealand
      3. Field cricket genus
      4. Musical passage that brings a piece to an end
      5. Imperial land measure
      6. The whole shebang
      7. Brownish mottled animal fur colour
      12. More than one meaning
      14. Spooky
      15. Husky-voiced English singer-songwriter "On the Beach" (1986) (surname)
      17. Latin American country (5,4)
      19. Alliance of countries with common interests
      21. Die after inhalation of water
      24. Not Direct Current (init.)
      25. Monopoly square
      27. Music magazine (init.)
      28. Nursing title (init.)
      29. Sea diving attraction
      30. Home computer (init.)
      31. Preposition
      32. American League all-star of Panamanian descent: Rod ____
      33. Greek pastry with honey and nuts
      36. North African hat
      38. First half of a famous comedy duo
      41. Send away for consultation
      42. Cold dish usually with vegetables
      44. Bad day for Caesar
      45. Formal dance
      47. Turf