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Tree Cross

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This is mostly about trees!
Author: Sallyo - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Tree with beautifully marked bark (2 wds)
      6. Clerical garment
      8. Two quarters
      9. Musical instrument made from wood
      12. Tree used in bowmaking
      13. Stove
      14. Nut tree
      17. Path of a story
      18. Tree yielding beans
      20. Feral tree species
      22. A storybook land, also slang for Australia
      23. Elizabeth, Duchess of - was up a tree when she learned she was to be queen
      24. Sloe
      27. Act
      28. ____beam tree
      29. Pigeon sound
      31. To beat, with a club etc.
      33. Slim stick
      34. Pigs eat the mast from this tree
      36. Tree that suffers the Dutch disease
      38. Alan or Allan (abbr)
      39. Rations out
      42. Not the ego!
      43. Evergreen
      44. Exist, thrive
      45. Cuttings
      48. Basis of life... used to identify trees etc. (init)
      49. Blow up mattress
      51. Affirmative
      52. Tree name, place name
      53. Tall deciduous tree


      1. Tree with "key" seedpod
      2. Shrub or small tree with purple or white fragrant blossom
      3. Tree of Knowledge appears in which book?
      4. Play title 'The __ __' (2 wds)
      5. Thorny hedge tree with delightful blossoms.
      6. You might carry a drink in this. (two words)
      7. A hardwood Australian acacia
      10. For example
      11. Not on
      12. "Oh - of little faith".
      15. Perhaps
      16. Ship's mooring
      19. Timber may be - or polished
      21. Container for ashes
      25. Wooden weapon
      26. Hi -
      27. Spanish title
      29. Seeds of some trees, such as willow.
      30. Pine leaves
      32. Short for Beatrice
      35. Sprite
      37. Tree associated with Canada
      39. Tree used to make wine
      40. Female name
      41. South East (init)
      42. Exist
      46. According to Genesis, the first - involved a tree
      47. To prune roughly
      50. Climb - a tree
      51. Yes or you, slang