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Words that Start with H Crossword Puzzle

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This crossword puzzle includes several words that start with H.
Author: bernie73 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Edward ____, 1970s British PM
      4. Silicon alien in "Star Trek" episode
      6. Earth's atmosphere
      7. First name of PGA golfer Palmer
      9. Type of poem
      10. Pumps the blood
      12. Dr. Seuss's environmental hero
      14. 105 in Roman numerals
      15. 60 minutes
      16. Rachel's sister, wife of Jacob
      18. Interjection associated with Canadian English
      20. Jump over these in a race
      22. Before sixth
      24. Long periods of time
      27. People who control a vessel


      1. Orange cartoon cat
      2. Largest artery in the body
      3. Fireplace floor
      4. Capital of Hawaii
      5. Device to measure 12 inches
      8. Bad smell
      11. Adam's wife
      13. Cain's brother
      17. Stronger than dislikes
      19. Steers a ship
      21. Peaceful bird
      23. Not cold
      25. Abbr. for region of NFL's Patriots
      26. Symbol for Element with atomic number 34