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ThreeLetter Words, Most Have P and/or R. Crossword Puzzle

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All answers are three letters. Most words include P and/or R.
Author: lowtechmaster - Diff: Harder



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      1. Knock on
      3. Norm
      5. Decay
      7. 17th Greek letter
      8. Not me
      9. Remit
      11. Big fib
      13. Swab
      15. Prefix for -cycle or -gram
      17. Delivery Company (Abbr.)
      19. Noted age
      21. Capek play
      22. The Altar constellation
      23. Title for a married woman (Abbr.)
      25. The eighth planet (Abbr.)
      27. Fish eggs
      29. A baseball referee (abbr.)
      31. Parent organization supporting a school (Abbr.)
      33. _____66 (Abbr.)
      35. South American tuber
      36. Synonym for soda
      37. Wager
      38. Used in paving
      39. Peeve


      1. Tear
      2. Lever
      3. Political insider (Abbr.)
      4. A grain
      5. A liquor
      6. Reward for good service
      10. Increases volume (Abbr.)
      12. Little demon
      14. It propels a boat
      15. Shade tree
      16. US tax collector (Abbr.)
      17. Ornate vase
      18. Drain, as energy
      19. Hearing organ
      20. Exist
      24. 33, 45, 78 (Abbr.)
      26. Consume
      28. Tidbit for a horse
      29. City area (Abbr.)
      30. Cooking utensil
      31. Stroke a pet
      32. Fourth month (Abbr.)
      33. College in Troy, NY (Abbr.)
      34. Large member of deer family