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Hygiene & Health Crossword Puzzle

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A general crossword with a few health and hygiene clues thrown in. Thank you for playing!
Author: coachpauly - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Cleans the molars
      9. Den or hideaway
      10. Where the heart is?
      12. Essential trace element important for the thyroid
      14. Opposite of here
      15. Opposite of found
      16. Reproductive cell
      18. Capital of Campania
      19. Condition of the hair (prefix)
      23. Japanese pinball machines (pl.)
      26. Quantity of a 2-dimensional surface
      27. American television network
      28. Not young
      30. Favorite school subject for athletes (initials)
      31. Syndrome causing swelling in the liver or brain
      34. Initials for the "relativity" scientist
      35. Ancient Egyptian sun god
      36. Faulty water pipes might lead to this
      38. Cuts facial hair (5,5)


      1. Restroom essential (6,5)
      2. American brand of male grooming products (3,5)
      3. Honey possum
      4. Hebrew unit of liquid measure
      5. State of gravidity
      6. Hair product
      7. Dries a wet body
      8. Apple's first touchscreen laptop
      11. Corneal covering to help one sleep (pl.)
      13. Extinct Hawaiian bird of the Moho genus
      17. Basaltic lava
      20. Unusual and uncommon
      21. Mexican horseman
      22. A two-letter greeting
      24. Hair product to treat lice
      25. 1986 Peter Gabriel album
      29. Victoria, Superior, or Baikal
      32. Where cerumen might accumulate?
      33. North, Yellow, or Caspian
      37. In the year of the Lord (initials)