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Some of This, Some of That Crossword Puzzle

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A mix of many topics; maybe including a favorite of yours?
Author: CmdrK - Diff: Harder



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      1. Plant of the Mallow family
      3. Teeth on a gear wheel (pl.)
      5. Movie: "Taras ___"
      7. Flat-topped hill
      9. Combustible material at some funerals
      11. Suitable
      13. Gelatinous substance from seaweed
      14. Egyptian skink
      15. Worn on your head
      17. Reproduces by spores
      19. Egyptian goddess
      21. Excess sulphur trioxide in solution
      22. Stare at openly
      23. A type of lettuce


      1. Mature female reproductive cell
      2. Swedish pop music group
      3. A place to pitch a tent
      4. Strongbox
      6. Year with an extra day
      8. Put this in your coffee or tea
      10. In "Star Wars", two of me too much would be
      11. Curving trajectory
      12. Type of dance
      16. 4,840 square yards
      17. What they do to wayward sailors
      18. A corner or a recess
      19. Metrical foot
      20. Lazy lout