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"S" As In "Surplus" Crossword Puzzle

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All five-letter words begin and end is "S"; all other words have at least one "S" except for one filler.
Author: lowtechmaster - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Lily family plant
      4. Decelerates
      7. Colloquial for until
      8. Beast of burden
      9. Title for a knight
      10. Stumbling blocks
      12. Looks for
      14. Walks
      16. Comedy sketches
      18. Moves rhythmically
      20. Sports data (Abbr.)
      21. Belonging to a thing
      23. So or Thus
      24. Positive reply
      25. Second year students (abbr.)
      26. Vends


      1. Masts
      2. Petrol
      3. Shocks
      4. Works hard
      5. Predecessor of the CIA (init.)
      6. Rides a wave
      10. Card game (pl.)
      11. Puts away
      13. Aleut (Abbr.)
      15. College major (abbr.)
      16. Reads quickly
      17. Remains
      18. Upstream side of a landfall
      19. Tackles quarterback for a loss
      22. Maple syrup source
      23. Our sun