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General Madness #35 Crossword Puzzle

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It may be the last days of July, but it is not the last corssword in the "General Madness" series. Enjoy!
Author: DeepHistory - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. The royal house Elizabeth I of England belonged to
      4. Flemish painter, ___ Paul Rubens
      7. Atmosphere we breathe
      8. German dadaist painter, Max ___
      9. They react with bases and form salts and water
      10. Very large span of time
      11. Alexander Pope wrote that "Fools rush in where angels fear to ___"
      14. Unit that measures the percentage of gold in an alloy
      17. In "A Scandal in Bohemia", Sherlock Holmes calls her "The Woman": Irene ___
      20. Eponymous hero in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit", ___ Baggins
      23. Adolf Hitler's mistress and later wife, ___ Braun
      24. It is used to remove moisture or dampness
      25. Governor of Maryland at the time the US Civil War started, Thomas Holliday ___
      26. An institution where high-level education takes place (abbr.)
      27. A daughter of King Lear
      28. A pit lacking a bottom


      1. A diplomatic crisis between the USA and the UK during the US Civil War: The ___ Affair
      2. Mother of Perseus in Greek Mythology
      3. Thomas Jefferson is ___ high in most lists of the best US Presidents
      4. A practical joke
      5. A German city, at the banks of the Moselle river
      6. Readjust, often after a failure
      12. A primary color
      13. Past tense of "eat"
      15. Boxer Cassius Clay became known as Muhammad ___
      16. A type of vestment worn by priests
      17. The snake Vipera berus is commonly called the ___
      18. Saying something that is not the truth
      19. Recommence, start anew
      20. A Brazilian state
      21. Fictional cowboy created by comic book artist Morris, ___ Luke
      22. A piece of fertile land in a desert