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Merry Mix #7 Crossword Puzzle

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A merry mix of three- and five-letter words! Enjoy!
Author: lowtechmaster - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Navajo home
      4. Sheik's wives
      7. Anger
      8. Court divider
      9. Mine and yours
      10. Discharge a gun
      12. Expensive boat
      14. Cardinal direction
      16. Diminutive
      18. Tonto's horse
      20. Hurl a baseball
      21. Vestment
      23. Teat
      24. Chaney or Chaney, Jr.
      25. National bird
      26. Spanish for tamale


      1. Pooh's favorite food
      2. Obtained
      3. It follows the day
      4. Wading bird
      5. Seventeenth Greek letter
      6. Happiness
      10. Not flat
      11. Feel
      13. Fire leftover
      15. Nineteenth Greek letter
      16. Form
      17. Legal ownership
      18. Barely sufficient
      19. Add up
      22. Plead
      23. Scottish cap