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General Mishmash 8 Crossword Puzzle

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A mixture of general clues, with British spelling, if it varies.
Author: rossian - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      2. Loudhailer
      8. Grain store
      9. Propel yourself in water
      10. Weasel like creature
      11. Saying nothing
      12. Make a sudden grab
      14. They fire missiles
      17. Not favourable
      19. The best of the best
      20. Lose hair, especially animals
      21. Part of the human eye, containing the iris
      22. Spar crossing a sail
      24. Copy
      26. Long lasting, especially of illness
      28. German name for potassium
      31. The state of being well known, but not in a good way
      33. Extreme danger
      34. Type of car
      35. Adopted first name of French designer
      36. To whom a letter is sent


      1. Melanesian island
      2. Canaanite god
      3. Motion with your hands
      4. Scheme
      5. Not indoors
      6. Large landed property
      7. Silver gray element
      11. Type of broad comedy
      13. Organisation by rank - angels, maybe?
      15. French darling
      16. Incline
      17. At the top of the house
      18. Large black bird
      22. Walked with a heavy tread
      23. Excitement tinged with fear (pl)
      25. Of little importance
      27. Place where clerical work is done
      29. Very keen
      30. Liberate
      32. Make fun of, unpleasantly