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Mumble Jumble XXXV Crossword Puzzle

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This is a mixed puzzle with a mix of clues. It should not be really hard.
Author: dcpddc478 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      2. Wager
      5. Quartet
      6. Rave
      8. Enmeshment
      9. African Pygmy people
      10. Serpent
      12. What a raisin used to be
      13. Incident
      15. A group of many things in the air
      18. Weak
      20. Wed
      21. Upper appendage
      23. Frozen water
      24. Untidy state
      25. Of the type previously mentioned
      26. Cap


      1. Employment
      2. Salt water
      3. 3-wheeled bike
      4. A small insect, often with a sting
      5. Terror
      7. One of two children born at the same birth
      10. Male reproductive cell
      11. Each
      12. Petrol
      14. The sesame plant
      16. Vermes
      17. Wetland
      18. Ice
      19. The twelfth part of a foot
      22. Male humans
      23. German word for I