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Potpourri General #41 Crossword Puzzle

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A mix of general clues across several categories, UK spelling throughout.
Author: Jennifer5 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      4. Enduring
      10. Body of water
      11. Cooking vessel
      12. Before, poetically
      13. WWI battle, 1916
      14. Pitch, bitumen
      15. Two strokes under par in golf
      16. _____ Farrow, actress
      17. Herbivorous lizard
      19. Handmade
      22. Fear
      23. I _____, you are
      24. Greetings
      27. Honey-giving insect
      29. Female sibling
      30. Imitates
      31. Zodiacal lion
      32. Northern Ireland capital
      35. Confer an honour
      38. Capital city of the Bahamas
      39. Median
      40. Polish port city
      41. Article, thing
      42. Overwhelmed or flooded


      1. Non-attendance
      2. Spectacles
      3. One of the Greek goddesses of the arts
      4. Clear, transparent
      5. Theorise without firm evidence
      6. Thank you, in short
      7. Have in mind
      8. Disease-causing microorganism
      9. Balcony
      18. Islands in Galway Bay, Ireland
      20. Amulets
      21. Australian flightless bird
      25. Chirping sounds or social media posts
      26. Rigel's constellation
      27. Father of computing (surname)
      28. Reprimanded
      30. Bill of fare
      31. Acquire knowledge
      33. Plant part
      34. Japanese rice wine
      36. Leave out
      37. Nip