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Alphabet Soup (4) Crossword Puzzle

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A double pangram- every letter in the alphabet is used at least twice.
Author: leith90 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Chef's hat
      4. Bring down
      7. Hit the slopes
      8. Building block
      9. Female fox
      11. Skin problem
      13. Covered in soot
      15. Aged
      17. Green gemstone
      19. Bewilder
      21. Applications, papers
      24. Glue
      25. Bristle
      26. Firing
      27. Cairo's country


      1. Dining room piece
      2. Enquired at length
      3. Inuit
      4. Actress Tyler
      5. Polish
      6. Watery
      10. 'The Maltese Falcon' character
      12. Vestment
      14. Soft and spongy
      16. Condemn
      17. Aussie sweet or Israeli port
      18. Shady tree
      20. Kick out
      22. Typist's ailment (Inits)
      23. Droop